November is here! How goes all?


So, how are you fine people doing? Can you believe 2021 is almost over? I’m blown away and also glad to see the end is near. These past two years have been a whirlwind of weird and not the good kind of weird. But until December 31, 2021, at 11:59 PM, we have to keep pushing.

So, what are your plans for the next two months? I’ll be over here, planning menus, working, spending family time in the nearly empty nest, and training. Training will consist of getting these ankles, spine, and knee ready for the Shrimp & Grits 5K on January 15. Want to join me? It will be a blast! It’s part of the Charleston Marathon events and the after-party is fun.

I had to sit out due to injuries and it hurt. I entered a few years ago as a thing to keep me motivated and moving forward. Having to sit out made me feel like a failure. I know that I did not fail, I just had something to handle before I could participate again. So I am going to get to it. Slowly, but will intent and determined to hit a decent pace before the race so I can compete. I compete with myself more than anyone else. My goal is to beat my last finish time.

So, are you going to join me? Registration is open now and you have plenty of time. Come walk with me! We’ll walk, enjoy a little of the after-party, then go grab some lunch. I am tempted by the Bless Your Heart Bling that participants of any of the Charleston Marathon and Myrtle Beach Marathon events will get. Those events are on March 5. Are you tempted, too?

Let me know what you’re up to. I’d love to hear it! See you later!

How I eat, Spring 2021 edition


There are a few links in this post and some are affiliate links.  Thanks in advance for checking them out. 

Hi and welcome, y’all!  May the 4th be with you!

If you follow me, you know that I’m a nerd, love food. I collect cookbooks, love to cook, and love eating out.  You also know that I am working on my fitness and health goals and nutrition is a big part of it. I follow an 80/20 philosophy for the most part.  80% of my meals and snacks are on point while 20% can go towards more decadent goodies and the occasional glass or bottle of booze.  

Meal planning for the mixed household has not changed much.  All of the sides are vegan and I cook extra veggies and grains in batches so they are ready to grab at a moment’s notice.  I get recipes from Meal Mentor (I love Happy Herbivore and have for years – go Cougars!) and from Beachbody’s Nutrition+. With Nuttrition+, I have access to both Ultimate Portion Fix and 2B Mindset.  I’ve used both programs depending on how things are going with my fitness plan and goals.


Thanks to a few unexpected issues, I’m currently following 2B.  I divide my plate and make sure that I get water, veggies, and a balance of starchy, carby goodness, and protein.  This is similar to the plan I started following years ago when I decided it was time to get my weight under control.  This plan is customizable and effortless once you get the hang of it.

When things are a little less hectic and pain is manageable, I will jump into Ultimate Portion Fix.  with it, I use color-coded containers to help me hit a day of balanced nutrition.  I have the option to plan my own meals or follow a timed nutrition plan that shows me what containers to have at specific meals and snacks, including pre-and post-workout.

With either plan, there is flexibility and the reminder to get in more protein.  I tend to skip protein in favor of more fruit and veggies and bread. Getting my meals in makes a difference for me.  So far in 2021, I am down several inches (and will need more pants soon) and I am not mad at the scale.  My blood pressure and glucose are lower and my next round of tests should show lower bad cholesterol and triglycerides.

Your girl rediscovered accidentally vegan baked goods during semi-quarantine life in 2020 and had to get things back in check.

I  track meals and snacks because I like to see what I had the day before that may have aggravated pain or stomach irritation and so I can remember to repeat (or not repeat) some meals. I personally like tracking, whether it’s on an app or just a quick photo.  It helps keep me honest about why the scale doesn’t move and why my clothes aren’t as loose as I would like. Do you track?

So, how are you earing these days?  Be on the lookout for examples of my meals in the near future.  I love the variety of goodness available this time of year and cannot wait to incorporate goodness from the garden (fingers crossed).

Until next time, peace.

How is it almost May?


Dude.  Time totally got away from me (and the rest of the family) in April.  Hubs and I are fully vaccinated as of April 29 and he did not get sick.  I did.  And did I ever.  I did not have any breathing issues, but the fatigue hit me like a ton of bricks and I had massive brain fog. It’s been like a never-ending Fibro flare working overtime.  It’s not over, but I am getting back to me.

Well, getting back to me living at the 4-5 range instead of the 2-3 from February.  That pothole hit did a lot of damage. It knocked out our tire, my back, and my mojo. But that’s not what I want to dwell on.

Did you catch the Pink Moon (Supermoon) this past Monday?  We had to wait until after midnight to get a really good look, but it was worth it.  Sister Moon showed up and she was fierce! 

I have a few projects in the works, including our garden, finishing up the kitchen, and other painting projects.  What do these projects have to do with health?  They are labors of love and those make my heart smile.  Yes, they are work and take a little time almost every day, but they are worth it.  I’ll share here, Instagram, and YouTube  I’ve kept my promise to myself to post more often and I think you’ll like what I have to share.

Speaking of, is there anything that you would like to see?  Recipes?  Reviews?  Photos?  Workouts?  A little of everything is on the table. Why? Because there is always a little of everything on the table.

Congratulations to my cousin who is getting married this weekend.  I wish I could be there.

Is a wedding or gardening in your weekend plans?  Let me know what’s up because I’d love to hear it. No matter what your plans, please remember that you are loved. Have fun and take care until next time.


March madness? Maybe.



Happy March!   February seemed to fly and drag.  Semi-quarantine life is something else, right? I hope that all that has touched your life is the inconvenience of it all and if you have been touched by Covid-19, I wish you well. We are all in this together, people, so please do your part to protect yourself and others.

How are things going for you otherwise? I really do what to hear from you. On my side of things, we’re good for the most part. There is a new extended family member (the sweetest pup), elders are vaccinated (thankfully), and hubs and kiddos are doing well.

It’s the first day of the countdown to 52!

On the fitness path front, I am holding on to my 10-pound loss so far and working on my fitness. I started 9-Week Control Freak Off the Wall and was on day five when we hit a nasty pothole and destroyed a tire. And my back.  I am still having more back and neck spasms and had to change my program. I’ve been working on flexibility while moving more and plan to start on 5K training again soon.  Do you have any fitness plans? Whether you are working on moving more or eating better, I’ve got you. If you’re not really working on either and just want to show support, I could use your help. I’m hosting a Spring into Spring group on Beachbody on Demand.  It’s free and you do not have to buy anything to participate or to take a look.  I could use your support, so consider joining me and saying hi sometime.

My March focus is on eating at home more instead of grabbing takeout on late workdays and moving more. Adding something into the mix is always better for me than taking something out.  Focusing on the positive instead of the negative is something I need to apply to my health goals. What works for you?

My word salad of a post needs to end so I can get into the kitchen before I go back to work.  I hope this is a great week for you! Give me a yell if there is anything you’d like to chat about.

Until next time, take care!

**The links are affiliate links and will provide income if you decide to make a purchase. Much appreciated whether you make a purchase or not. I appreciate your support! 

Welcome to February!

How was your January? Mine was a continuation of 2020 in some ways, but I stayed on track. 

I’m 8 pounds lighter and 5 inches smaller than on January 1.  I am blown away!

I’m playing the long game, y’all. Eating better, moving a little more, and keeping my health in focus. This means not focusing on other’s progress and comparing mine to theirs My journey is not just about weight. It includes becoming more mobile and strengthening my back so my spine has more support. It includes finding the best ways of managing Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome symptoms. Most importantly, it involves taking care of my heart, mind, and body.

I learned a little while ago that I have to take care of myself if I wanted to be of help to anyone else.  Part of that included recognizing sharing the truth about what I could and couldn’t handle on some days. It was not as easy as it sounds and was vital.  Burnout led to increased pain and exhaustion along with lost productivity.  When I’d get to that point, I’d be no good to anyone, including myself.  Sleep was not restful and meds made me foggier than I could handle.  Errors at work were harder to catch and the idea of housework made life just too much.  All I could do was sleep and work.  I hated that and do not want to revisit that schedule or mindset again.

Don’t get me wrong – there are still foggy, painful days, but they don’t last more than a week at a time. I’m so thankful for that.

I am going to go on and on if I don’t move to another topic.

So, February.  What are your plans?  Any goals?  Mine include keeping on the cleaner meal plan with treats on occasion (The Ultimate Portion Fix is my jam) and moving more without pushing so hard that I lose progress.  Let me know what you’re up to.  I want to hear it!

It’s Tuesday!


So, what does Tuesday mean for you?  

For me, it’s a longish workday, the last day to score deals for expiring grocery store specials, and usually a day I get to enjoy a cup of coffee or tea (or two) before I log in.

This Tuesday is a runoff voting day in Georgia.  I have no idea what’s going to happen, but I know what I would like to happen.

Today is also the eve of shenanigans in DC.

Please be careful, people.  Not just those in Georgia and DC, all of you.   Covid-19 is not playing around and is mutating.  I miss my family, too.  I want to hug and hang out with the little ones.  I want to get caught up in person with the adults.  I want to hang with Mom in the kitchen as she branches out and adds more vegan meals to her diet. I don’t want to put anyone I love at risk. Be smart, be patient, and be safe.

That’s all for today.  Tune in next time for a regular dose of your favorite neighborhood Sherrie’s musings.


It’s almost here – 2021


Remember Ozzie?

How has your holiday season been?  Things have been different this year all around and not always easy to handle.  But this dumpster fire of a year is near an end and I know me and mine could not be happier.

We are so ready to move forward and hope things will be better.  We will still be facing the uncertainty of pandemic life, but hopefully, the routine won’t change much more.  Mask up, keep your distance, wash those hands, and use sanitizer. Eat as well as you can, rest, get those stress levels under control, and do whatever you can to stay as safe and healthy as possible.

I don’t really have a theme or message here.  I just wish you and yours well.  I wish you health, peace, and love.  Love yourself, love others, and hopefully love what the future has in store for you.  That’s all.

See you later!

Keto Honey? Yes!


I received a copy of Sm Kuma’s Keto Honey Alternative Recipes: World-Class Keto honey Alternative and Substitute Recipes to Sweeten Your Life in a Healthy Manner in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own and occasionally those of my husband and kiddos.

I am trying to keep my overall sugar consumption down and know that the family is not interested in some of the alternatives I’ve used. I had the chance to review Sam Kima’s Keto Honey Alternative Recipes: World-Class Keto honey Alternative and Substitute Recipes to Sweeten Your Life in a Healthy Manner and am glad I did. Not only does he include different recipes for a Keto honey substitute, but he includes recipes for any meal or snack one could think of. I did not use many of the recipes but did make a few. I used the Keto honey Syrup #2 recipe for the Keto honey vinaigrette and Keto Honey Mustard. Both were yummy with an assortment of salad veggies and on a sandwich. I did not use a Keto mayo when called for and used dairy-free substitutes when dairy was called for. This did not change the flavor of but did change macros a bit. That did not bother me much because is anyone really watching macros to the t right now?

Not all of the recipes include Keto honey alternatives. Stevia, monkfruit, and Swerve were found in ingredient lists and so were the usual Keto substitutes for baking. This would not be a bad addition to your collection if you want to make your own sweet condiments like salad dressing and barbeque sauces. The candied nuts may make a nice gift for someone stuck at a desk most of the day (or anyone, really). If you’re not a meat-eater, following a Keto diet, you may wish to choose a different book. While you can replace the meal recipes with a meat substitute, you will alter the nutritional information and may not remain in ketosis.

The Keto Honey Bunches of Oats Cereal is on my radar just in case hubs wants to give it a try. It’s his favorite cereal of all time.

If you want to get your own copy Of Keto Honey Alternative Recipes, you can get it for #4.99 for the Kindle, $16.99 for a paperback, or $26.99 for a print-on-demand hardcover.  Let me know if you give it a try.

Are you following a Keto plan?  What’s your favorite sugar substitute?  I’ll share if you do.  Until next time, peace!

Weight loss update – so excited!


It’s a moderate pain day, so I may ramble a little.  If you’re not in a rambling read kind of mood, feel free to skip this one. 

Hey, y’all!  I told you I’d be back regularly, and here I am.  I want to share my progress since I haven’t really shared on that front lately.  I’ve been continuing physical therapy at home and focusing on getting healthier all around.   I recognize that weight can play a role in how I feel physically.   I’m not referring to anyone else but me in this post and hope that how I’m doing helps you.

I’m down 15.4 pounds since I buckled down on nutrition about 6 weeks ago.


Stuffed peppers made with ground Impossible Burgers.  So good! 

My exercise has been daily pt (mostly stretching and ab work) and walking when I can get it in.  It’s nutrition for the most part.  I eat mostly whole foods but do make room for treats.  Produce is always first and protein is also a big part of my day.  I’m still all about the plants, even when Impossible or Beyond Burgers are on the plate.  On high pain days, take out or leftovers are the plan but I try to keep my macros/containers in mind.

Containers?  I’m back to following the Ultimate Portion Fix to help me keep on track and it’s been so much easier than I made it seem previously.  I think in rainbow when I’m at home or out, even when I don’t try to.

So, that’s the update on the weight loss front.  If you follow me on Instagram, you’ll see more of what I’ve been cooking, eating, and reading.  If not, no worries.  More content will be shared here on a regular basis.  Thank you for reading.  I hope today (and the rest of 2020) is good for you.

Until next time, be well!