How I eat, Spring 2021 edition


There are a few links in this post and some are affiliate links.  Thanks in advance for checking them out. 

Hi and welcome, y’all!  May the 4th be with you!

If you follow me, you know that I’m a nerd, love food. I collect cookbooks, love to cook, and love eating out.  You also know that I am working on my fitness and health goals and nutrition is a big part of it. I follow an 80/20 philosophy for the most part.  80% of my meals and snacks are on point while 20% can go towards more decadent goodies and the occasional glass or bottle of booze.  

Meal planning for the mixed household has not changed much.  All of the sides are vegan and I cook extra veggies and grains in batches so they are ready to grab at a moment’s notice.  I get recipes from Meal Mentor (I love Happy Herbivore and have for years – go Cougars!) and from Beachbody’s Nutrition+. With Nuttrition+, I have access to both Ultimate Portion Fix and 2B Mindset.  I’ve used both programs depending on how things are going with my fitness plan and goals.


Thanks to a few unexpected issues, I’m currently following 2B.  I divide my plate and make sure that I get water, veggies, and a balance of starchy, carby goodness, and protein.  This is similar to the plan I started following years ago when I decided it was time to get my weight under control.  This plan is customizable and effortless once you get the hang of it.

When things are a little less hectic and pain is manageable, I will jump into Ultimate Portion Fix.  with it, I use color-coded containers to help me hit a day of balanced nutrition.  I have the option to plan my own meals or follow a timed nutrition plan that shows me what containers to have at specific meals and snacks, including pre-and post-workout.

With either plan, there is flexibility and the reminder to get in more protein.  I tend to skip protein in favor of more fruit and veggies and bread. Getting my meals in makes a difference for me.  So far in 2021, I am down several inches (and will need more pants soon) and I am not mad at the scale.  My blood pressure and glucose are lower and my next round of tests should show lower bad cholesterol and triglycerides.

Your girl rediscovered accidentally vegan baked goods during semi-quarantine life in 2020 and had to get things back in check.

I  track meals and snacks because I like to see what I had the day before that may have aggravated pain or stomach irritation and so I can remember to repeat (or not repeat) some meals. I personally like tracking, whether it’s on an app or just a quick photo.  It helps keep me honest about why the scale doesn’t move and why my clothes aren’t as loose as I would like. Do you track?

So, how are you earing these days?  Be on the lookout for examples of my meals in the near future.  I love the variety of goodness available this time of year and cannot wait to incorporate goodness from the garden (fingers crossed).

Until next time, peace.

Weight loss update – so excited!


It’s a moderate pain day, so I may ramble a little.  If you’re not in a rambling read kind of mood, feel free to skip this one. 

Hey, y’all!  I told you I’d be back regularly, and here I am.  I want to share my progress since I haven’t really shared on that front lately.  I’ve been continuing physical therapy at home and focusing on getting healthier all around.   I recognize that weight can play a role in how I feel physically.   I’m not referring to anyone else but me in this post and hope that how I’m doing helps you.

I’m down 15.4 pounds since I buckled down on nutrition about 6 weeks ago.


Stuffed peppers made with ground Impossible Burgers.  So good! 

My exercise has been daily pt (mostly stretching and ab work) and walking when I can get it in.  It’s nutrition for the most part.  I eat mostly whole foods but do make room for treats.  Produce is always first and protein is also a big part of my day.  I’m still all about the plants, even when Impossible or Beyond Burgers are on the plate.  On high pain days, take out or leftovers are the plan but I try to keep my macros/containers in mind.

Containers?  I’m back to following the Ultimate Portion Fix to help me keep on track and it’s been so much easier than I made it seem previously.  I think in rainbow when I’m at home or out, even when I don’t try to.

So, that’s the update on the weight loss front.  If you follow me on Instagram, you’ll see more of what I’ve been cooking, eating, and reading.  If not, no worries.  More content will be shared here on a regular basis.  Thank you for reading.  I hope today (and the rest of 2020) is good for you.

Until next time, be well!

This week so far – not a bad one


Happy Thursday!  How goes your week so far?  It’s up and down here for sure.  I’m reading as much as I can about Fibromyalgia and, of course, grabbing another cookbook from the library.


I’m also testing products to review.


Soulful Essence rocks!

While on a three day juice cleanse.

suja lemonade suja green suja nutz

And I was so happy to receive my Beachbody order two days earlier than expected.

piyo 3 day

I cannot wait to be cleared by the physical therapist so I can start!

And then I discovered desktop issues.  So much for my Wednesday afternoon plans.

And today (hopefully) we’ll get by the North Charleston Farmer’s Market.

park circle

How’s your week going?