This week so far – not a bad one


Happy Thursday!  How goes your week so far?  It’s up and down here for sure.  I’m reading as much as I can about Fibromyalgia and, of course, grabbing another cookbook from the library.


I’m also testing products to review.


Soulful Essence rocks!

While on a three day juice cleanse.

suja lemonade suja green suja nutz

And I was so happy to receive my Beachbody order two days earlier than expected.

piyo 3 day

I cannot wait to be cleared by the physical therapist so I can start!

And then I discovered desktop issues.  So much for my Wednesday afternoon plans.

And today (hopefully) we’ll get by the North Charleston Farmer’s Market.

park circle

How’s your week going?

What are you reading?


My name is Sherrie and I have a book problem.  Am I the only one?  I can’t be.

Worthy Evans is a College of Charleston alum and brilliant writer.

Worthy Evans is a College of Charleston alum and brilliant writer.

My problem started years ago and only became worse after a few months of library work followed by bookstore work.  I loved every second of shelving and discovering new titles and topics.  I love it when I get lost in a story or can almost taste the recipe by reading the ingredients.   When I drop by the library I can’t seem to help myself.  I walk in to return the stack I spent a month pouring through and leave with more.

Taking time for myself is a necessity.   Reading for pleasure reduces stress and helps me relax.  Even if the story has me wound up and jumping at the slightest sound, I’m more relaxed than if I’m working all day.  Do you take time to read?  What are you reading now?

Raw or cooked, plant-based comfort food rules!

Raw or cooked, plant-based comfort food rules!

This is perfect reading when I need a laugh.

This is perfect reading when I need a laugh.

I’ll catch you later.   It’s time to curl up with a good book.