Happy Friday, all! What’s shaking?


So, what’s shaking?  The same old thing here, but with a little more happy.

If it seems like I’m extra happy right now it’s because I am.  I went to physical therapy as usual on Wednesday and was released as a pt client.  That means I’ve improved enough that I can start the work on my own.  While I plan to stay on as a wellness client (to use that fab Endless Pool), I’m also going to slowly get back to my old activity level.  Part of my ramped up activity includes more low impact bodywork, including PiYo.

piyo 3 day

I’m sure you’ve heard of PiYo by now because it’s the newest Beachbody release from Chalene Johnson – love her!  It’s a home version of the PiYo classes offered in clubs all over the place.  I need low impact workouts like Pilates and yoga so that I don’t hurt myself or slow my recovery.    As much as I love 21-Day Fix, even the modified movements are too much for me right now.  I’ll go back to it when I get the all-clear to do so.

There’s no shame in admitting that you need a change and moving on.  Never feel ashamed or let anyone tell you that you’re lazy because you recognize your limits and are working around them .  Do not ignore them for the sake of proving you’re not lazy.  It’s better to work harder and smarter than to go all out when you’re body is unable.   Trust me, I fell into that trap and did much more harm than good.  

Now back to my regularly scheduled message. 

PiYo has a six days on, one off weekly schedule.  Because I’m going to listen to my body, my plan is to start with three days of PiYo with one day of aquatic therapy each week.  I’ll train for a day and take the following day off.  On my rest days, I’ll still get in my usual five to ten minutes of gentle yoga and walking.   My eating plan will stay about the same for now with one exception.   Gluten has to go, doc’s orders.

So that’s what I’m up to.  If you want to know more about PiYo, my eating plan (regular and cheat day), or how I modify fitness and eating plans to suit my needs, give me a shout.   I’m on Facebook and all over social media.  Just look for Sherrie Thompson or WAHMinSC.  I’d love to hear from you.



What are you reading?


My name is Sherrie and I have a book problem.  Am I the only one?  I can’t be.

Worthy Evans is a College of Charleston alum and brilliant writer.

Worthy Evans is a College of Charleston alum and brilliant writer.

My problem started years ago and only became worse after a few months of library work followed by bookstore work.  I loved every second of shelving and discovering new titles and topics.  I love it when I get lost in a story or can almost taste the recipe by reading the ingredients.   When I drop by the library I can’t seem to help myself.  I walk in to return the stack I spent a month pouring through and leave with more.

Taking time for myself is a necessity.   Reading for pleasure reduces stress and helps me relax.  Even if the story has me wound up and jumping at the slightest sound, I’m more relaxed than if I’m working all day.  Do you take time to read?  What are you reading now?

Raw or cooked, plant-based comfort food rules!

Raw or cooked, plant-based comfort food rules!

This is perfect reading when I need a laugh.

This is perfect reading when I need a laugh.

I’ll catch you later.   It’s time to curl up with a good book.

What I’m reading these days

Your friendly neighborhood Sherrie has a cookbook problem. I know it and own it.  I read them like novels and can tear through one in a couple of days.  I also have a money problem, so I pick most of my books up from the library, Mr. K’s (used and new, but always cheap), and free Kindle books (for reading on my Kindle app).  I’ve wanted to hold books more than reading text on a screen lately, so I’ve hit the library practically every week. Here’s a sample of what I’ve gone through in August alone.
I first heard of Angelica Home Kitchen thanks to an early 90’s copy of Vegetarian Times.  Back then I was playing with the idea of he veggie life and loved the idea of a all veg restaurant. Good book, great recipes.   

This one needs no intro.  I checked it out for more ideas on healthy whole food vegan goodness.  I like it, but don’t think I need to add this one to the permanent collection. 

Between the abundance of rain, a bad spine summer, and crazy schedules,  our garden is a sad, bare wasteland.  Except for mint and huge tomato plants which may or may not bear fruit.  Microgreens, baby vegetables, and sprouts, oh my!

And, you know, I cannot leave anything these two touch unread.  And hubby is a pie addict.  Vegan versions of his beloved blueberry, pecan, and key lime pies will be mastered! At some point.

No pictured are Crazy Sexy Kitchen and Crazy Sexy Diet.   I have the Kindle versions, but can’t spend all my time looking a a screen.

So, what are you reading?

My stalker


I cannot leave the room without this guy following.  If I close a door, he waits patiently for me to open it.  He literally lean against me when I lose my balance and keeps me upright on wonky days.  On painful days (like the past few days), he snuggles when I need it and just watches to make sure I’m ok.

Or maybe I’m giving him too much credit.  He’s a goofy ball of love. Good boy, Victor.

Thoughts on Father’s Day 2013

Let me start by saying that I am exhausted, in a lot of pain, and wide awake. This one may ramble a bit. Short and rambly – my new style? Nah. Maybe. We’ll see.

Sometimes I really miss my dad. Father’s Day is almost here and it’s one of those times. My brother is celebrating his second and hubby is celebrating his 15th (technically 14th, but R was born two weeks later. I count it). My brother, husband, and kids didn’t get to meet dad, so it’s weird in a way to have them celebrate him.

He’d be beaming at the mention of his grandkids. I know this because he beamed with us. When we didn’t work his last nerve that is. There are many pictures of all all smiling together. Real smiles, not the family portrait smiles. And baby bro looks so much like him that it blows me away.

I envy those who still have their dads. By ‘have’ I mean have a good relationship with him as adults. Believe me, I know you can have someone in your life but no really have them. But that’s a whole other series of posts.

Miss you, dad. I’d like to think that on some level you know how I’m doing. I think about what it would be like if you were sill here. You would like hubby. And the kids. You’d like our house. You’d be blown away by baby bro – his brilliance, sense of humor, and the resemblance. And you’d be totally wrapped around baby girl’s finger. She is something else.

Happy Father’s Day, Dad, Hubby, and Baby Bro. You all rock.

So, who has the Sherrie Voodoo Doll?


Whatever I did to offended or upset you, I’m sorry.  

The funky, instant rash on my hand was genius.  And your timing?  Flawless.  Not only did you make it happen and fade before my doc’s appointment, you brought it back a day and a half later.  Nice.

This ick kicking my butt?  Great move.  I feel like crud and cannot think clearly.  And having the fever kick in today?  Well done.

Now please, I beg you, please cut it out.

I’ll be going back to bed now.

October went fairly well.


Even though it’s the month of Halloween (meaning candy & other tempting goodies), I think I came out of October pretty well.

Straight up, with almond or soymilk, with fruit or
almond butter – this stuff is yummy!

  • I ate clean 80% of the time – which was the plan. 
  • I pushed play at least four days a week – also part of the plan.   
  • I cooked more than I ate out.  But still ate out more than intended.
  • Chocolate Vegan Shakeology daily.  Oh my word is that stuff good!  
  • Less pain all month.  Yay! 
Well, less pain until around midday November 1.  A migraine came on, as expected, but this one is a doozy. I cheated a little, so I’m paying for it in a big way.  I know I should not eat any gluten, but I got lazy/experimental and thought a little wouldn’t hurt.  Meh.  It hurt.  It’s still hurting right now.

And on that note, I need to bring this to a close.  Time for another dose of meds and quiet time.  Peace!