Entering my 46th year


Howdy, y’all.  I’m 46 now. I’m now six years older than my father was when he died.  In some ways, I’m healthier.  In others, well, you know the deal.

At my last appointment, my rheumatologist said she didn’t know what else to try because various meds did not have much of an effect.  She also joked that I’m one of the rare types who lose weight on Cymbalta rather than gain.  Ha, ha.  (Note: I went off Cymbalta and gained everything I’d lost.  I’ve since tweaked my menu and am back on the losing track.)  she also had no answers for me about my swelling hands or glands on my neck. I am not amused.  I have an appointment with my primary later this month.  Maybe she’ll have answers for me since I had blood tests a few weeks back.

I’m tired, frustrated, and still fighting.  Going more natural in conjunction with some meds to find the optimal balance and solutions.  I’ll always have arthritis and Fibromyalgia.  How my body handles them is what will change.  I’m listening to my body more and found the ideal training schedule.  I wear my pedometer every day and strive to get in more steps each week.  I eat more leafy and non-starchy plants than bread and other starchy goodness.  I eat less sugar.  I drink lots of water and herbal teas, especially those containing adoptogenic herbs (Organic India’s Tulsi Teas are my favorite).  I’m getting more sleep and taking Melatonin for help on bad days. I nap when necessary.

I will get better.  I will improve my quality of life. It’s getting better every day. Cheers!

How are you celebrating the newest year of your life?

Review: Number One Nutrition’s Advanced Probiotic


nin adv probiotics


I’ve learned a lot in this past few years about the importance of a happy and healthy gut. Probiotics play a huge role in the process. I treat my body like a lab at times. One experiment involved cutting the use of a probiotic for 30 days. That was a huge mistake. The bloating and, um, irregularity were painful. Use of the wrong probiotic wasn’t good for me, either. My gut is pretty wrecked after years of antibiotics and other medications along with previously unknown food sensitivities. Limited peanut butter, coffee, and wheat, and no more dairy, period. The peanut butter and coffee hurt the most, but that’s another story for another day.

I noticed that my daily dose of nutrition in a glass wasn’t giving me enough gut protection, so I went back to a separate probiotic. Number One Nutrition’s Advanced Probiotic fit the bill. It’s vegetarian-friendly and dairy-free!

n1n 2

I gave Advanced Probiotic a try and it made a big difference. It worked as well as more expensive brands I’ve tried and I felt the difference almost immediately when I ran out for a few days. Finding a good probiotic without dairy is huge when dairy is an issue. I picked up a bottle of a different brand for comparison and will go back to Advanced Probiotic as soon as I finish this jar. When I find something that works, I stick with it.

Give Advanced Probiotics and other products from Number One Nutrition a look. You might find the supplement you body’s looking for.  Pick it up directly from Number One Nutrition or on Amazon.com.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Throwback Thursday


How do you get your fitness on? If you’re like me and not a big fan of traditional workouts, get more active in general. Play a team sport, dance, actively play with the kids and dogs, or get out and do more. Hubs and I are spending our free time on weekends going around and playing tourist. Sometimes it involves longer car rides, but we make up for the time seated with time walking around the sites. The sheer number of historic sites in Charleston makes it easy to find something to see.

We visited the Tuskegee Airmen Memorial


Drayton Hall

drayton tree

drayton house

Charles Pinkney Site

pinckney cypress

and looked at the water for a while

water view

dragonfly 2

We also went in search of a 4,000 year old Shell Ring, but it was getting a little late to hit this trail.


I don’t care that hubs had a flashlight. Besides, the mosquitoes were pretty fierce and hungry. We’ll go back another day.

How do you do non-traditional fitness?

Until next time, peace.

All of the pictures are mine.  If you want to use them, give me photo credit and send me a link.  Don’t be the guy who steals pictures. 

Happy Saturday, Whovians!


It’s happening today!  I’m happy dancing and watching a little of the BBCA marathon in anticipation.

What does a television show have to do with a healthier lifestyle?  It’s not about the show as much as it is about finding something that you enjoy.  If an hour of television can take you away from stress, enjoy it.  Get lost in it and smile, laugh,  giggle, cry, or whatever it does.  Doctor Who does all of the above for me.

So, if you call, text, or drop by while the Doctor is on, don’t expect a response.   Well, not a pleasant one. 😉

Do you have a favorite show?

Happy Friday, all! What’s shaking?


So, what’s shaking?  The same old thing here, but with a little more happy.

If it seems like I’m extra happy right now it’s because I am.  I went to physical therapy as usual on Wednesday and was released as a pt client.  That means I’ve improved enough that I can start the work on my own.  While I plan to stay on as a wellness client (to use that fab Endless Pool), I’m also going to slowly get back to my old activity level.  Part of my ramped up activity includes more low impact bodywork, including PiYo.

piyo 3 day

I’m sure you’ve heard of PiYo by now because it’s the newest Beachbody release from Chalene Johnson – love her!  It’s a home version of the PiYo classes offered in clubs all over the place.  I need low impact workouts like Pilates and yoga so that I don’t hurt myself or slow my recovery.    As much as I love 21-Day Fix, even the modified movements are too much for me right now.  I’ll go back to it when I get the all-clear to do so.

There’s no shame in admitting that you need a change and moving on.  Never feel ashamed or let anyone tell you that you’re lazy because you recognize your limits and are working around them .  Do not ignore them for the sake of proving you’re not lazy.  It’s better to work harder and smarter than to go all out when you’re body is unable.   Trust me, I fell into that trap and did much more harm than good.  

Now back to my regularly scheduled message. 

PiYo has a six days on, one off weekly schedule.  Because I’m going to listen to my body, my plan is to start with three days of PiYo with one day of aquatic therapy each week.  I’ll train for a day and take the following day off.  On my rest days, I’ll still get in my usual five to ten minutes of gentle yoga and walking.   My eating plan will stay about the same for now with one exception.   Gluten has to go, doc’s orders.

So that’s what I’m up to.  If you want to know more about PiYo, my eating plan (regular and cheat day), or how I modify fitness and eating plans to suit my needs, give me a shout.   I’m on Facebook and all over social media.  Just look for Sherrie Thompson or WAHMinSC.  I’d love to hear from you.