The next 4 weeks


…will consist of final exams, a huge IT Networking project, new house stuff (cleaning, painting, ripping up carpet & finishing hardwood floors, reglazing bathroom tiles, work, school stuff for the kiddos, snuggling with hubster, being knocked over by dogs (as usual), and following the routine that helped me when I started on a weigh loss journey a few years back. This will be my typical weekday routine:

  • Get hubster off to work
  • 15-20 minute walk with the dogs (well, hobble for me until my knee is back to 100%)
  • 8 Minutes in the Morning
  • Breakfast and supplements (multi+iron, GLA, CoQ10, joint formula, flaxseed oil, magnesium + calcium, something for pain if needed)
  • School & work
  • Family stuff – lunch with the kids, torturing them with my ‘uncoolness,’ dinner with my three favorite people
  • Afternoon or evening walk or yoga; meditation

On weekends I’ll get to skip the am dog walking cause hubster & the kids take over, and I may not have work, but everything else stays the same.

Program and personal goals

  • Start 7/14
  • 6-8 pounds down by 8/10 (218-220 the goal weight)
  • 190 by 12/31

Overall goals

  • 150 pounds
  • 45 minute to 1 hour karate or kickboxing class (or video) at least twice a week

I will look at myself the way hubby sees me.

When this 4 weeks is over, I’ll start a new cycle. I can eat what I want; nothing’s forbidden. I will play with my food as always, but will try new things more often. I’ll weigh in weekly, but will stay away from the tape measure for at least 2 weeks.

Change of plans, sigh


Turbo Jam will have to sit a little longer because my knee and hip are not having it. It doesn’t usually cause problems with my hip, but since me knee is swollen, screaming, and kind of crooked (damn dogs), I have to go low impact.

A buddy of mine is also on a journey toward better health and recently discovered 8 Minutes in the Morning. I have the book and followed the routine while walking up to an hour a day or popping in an exercise video. I was losing inches, gaining strength, and looking hot. I was following a low fat eating plan (not the one in the book but similar) and was feeling great. I only stopped following that routine because of my accident. I dropped EVERYTHING after the accident.

Hubby pulled out the book and restarted a couple of months ago and supplemented the routine with time on the elliptical. Lucky thing hasn’t changed his eating habits and is losing weight and inches. (Sometimes men just SUCK!) It’s hard to be completely supportive when his progress makes me a little jealous. I love that man and am proud of him, no questions, no doubts. But damn! There are weeks that I’m on target 110% and lose a pound while he loses 3. Grrrr!

Speaking of, have you seen those Slimquick commercials? The woman struggles with her loss while her guy loses effortlessly. They’re cute ads but hit too close to home for me to laugh at. Smile, yes, but not laugh out loud.

Speaking of laughing out loud, it’s really late and I’m going to get a fix of my new guilty pleasure, dumb criminal shows. Most Shocking is on and this episode covers stupid naked criminals. Then I’m going to fall asleep (hopefully) and have a good Friday.

Hope you have a good one, too.

Sigh, Tuesday


Turbo Jam was fun this morning, but I’m paying for it. I think I’ll need to adjust my workout schedule thanks to my knee and no thanks to the dogs. I so want to be angry, but Fred is giving me the ‘I love you, momma‘ face and curled up under the desk, resting her feet on my feet. Awww. Demon!

I’m not eating my annoyance away, which is a good thing. But I am slacking off with my assignment, so I need to end this shortly.

The appraisal is today. I’m kind of stressing about it, but it’s out of my hands. And it being out of my hands will help me keep junk food out of my hands and mouth.

It’s official – I think I hate my dogs


Not all the time, just today. Well, any day that they decide to knock me down by slamming into my knees. And following up by jumping on me in their attempts to get each other. I’m sitting here with throbbing pain bouncing up and down my left side (already my weak side), listening to their tags jingle as they wrestle less than three feet away; oblivious.

At least I got in a little of the morning walk before I ate wet grass, eh?

My knee is wrapped at the moment and hopefully will be good enough tomorrow for walking. Instead of Turbo Jam I’ll dust off Walk Away the Pounds. Today I’ll get in some upper body work and eat well.

I’ve decided to start counting WW points again. I’m not changing how I eat, just making sure I keep my portions in check. And I’m cutting the caffeine down again. I’ve been bad and getting way too much of it lately.

Monday, Monday…..

Here’s how my week went


It’s been stressful, but not bad overall. I exercised, ate ok, and made it through two potential binges. I won’t bore you with too many details.

I bought a pedometer and logged my walks and elliptical strides.:
Monday – 8,000 steps
Tuesday – 3500 so far (stupid pedometer reset during my morning walk)
Wednesday – 3672 steps
Thursday – 2200 steps (not a good day at all)
Friday – 4200 so far

21,572 for the week! Not too shabby!

I also made it through the week without Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb knocking me off my feet during their morning walk/run. They did, however, destroy dog bed #4, a pair of sunglasses, and a battery for one of s-son’s RC cars. Lovely, eh?

I’ve been a slacker about getting in a sweat-inducing workout lately. I have Turbo Jam just sitting here, so I’ve decided that I’ll follow the schedule for a month to see how what progress I make. I really liked the workout. I just feel strange about working out with an audience. Silly, isn‘t it? I like how it feels, but blow it off in case I hear giggles or a snide comment. It’s all in my head. My kids like when I exercise and have joined me. The last ones to giggle were hubby and my brother when I pulled out one Richard Simmons’ Broadway videos. And they quickly shut up once they saw that it was work – I challenged the slackers and they left me alone after 5 minutes, lol. I need to shut those bad inner voices out and get back to work. Feel free to give me a shove if I slack off.

Have a wonderful weekend! Get your grill on – lots of healthy alternatives out there that taste just as good!

Thoughts on my progress so far


So I weighed in at 226 on Monday. I started on March 7 at 238 and a few inches bigger. Here are my stats for the past few months:

5/1 measurements:
neck- 15 (down 1 since 3/19)
chest- 48 (same)
arms- (L) 13 1/4 (R) 14 (down 1/2)
waist- 43 1/2 (down 2 1/2 )
hips- 42 (down 2)
thighs- (L) 23 1/3 (R) 23 1/2 (actually a little bigger)

6/2 measurements:
neck 15 (same)
chest= 47 1/2 (1/2″ down)
Arm = 13 1/2 R, 13 1/4 L (down 1/2″)
Calf = 16 3/4 R, 16 3/4 L
thigh = 22 3/4 L, R = 23 (down 3/4″)
hips 42 1/4 (up 1/4 & my butt is higher)
waist 42 (down 1 1/2″)

7/1 measurements:
neck – 15″ (same as last month)
chest – 47 1/2″ (same)
arms – 13 1/2 ” R, 13 1/4″ L (same)
calves – 16 1/2 ” R , 16 1/2 L (down 1/4)
thighs – 23″ R, 22 3/4 L (same)
hips – 42 1/4 (same, butt even higher & rounder)
waist – 41 3/4″ (down 1/4″)

Another 1/2″ down overall! Progress is progress!

There are those who will say that I’m unmotivated and should get moving more, and I’m one of them. But I know my body and know what happens when I push too hard. It’s taken a lot for me to break free of my “all or nothing” mindset and desire to always eat the bad feelings away. I’ve challenged myself to keep exercising, no matter what the form, to find better ways of working through my feelings, and to not beat myself up if I don’t have the same results as someone else. It’s not about just getting smaller, it’s about getting and keeping a healthier mind, body, and spirit.

Overall I feel a lot better. More confident, sexier, happier, and healthier. I have bad days, but when I do I don’t beat myself up. I’m motivated, but tend to let myself become distracted. Right now school (midterms) and the home buying process are the distractions. The family wants me to get healthier and encourage me to hit the elliptical or grab the weights. I went biking with my stepson and he loved every second of leaving me in the dust. When he did, that is. I held my own, lol; can’t get beat by a 10 year old, lol.

I know that I am more than the numbers on the scale and the size of my clothes. The inner sexy hottie mama is coming out more often and I’m loving it!

To my Pound Losin Pretty Chicks, Skinny bitches, and those losing 50-100, ya’ll rock! Thanks for the motivation & support!

Monday and Tuesday so far


Monday June 30 –
I’m at 226 – gained back two that I lost at the beginning of June. Ick. I feel fat and bloated. I need to get back on track and stay there!

I hurt today. I didn’t sleep well over the weekend and am having a little flare-up. Woohoo! Fatigue + pain always makes me want to eat for comfort, meaning starchier stuff. And I fed that craving but kept the fat content down. A little victory is better than none.

8000 steps (I forgot to put it on while running errands)
30 minute walk

Tuesday July 1 –
Summer is already half over. Wow.
My stupid pedometer reset during my morning walk! Grrr!

B: 3 cups fruit salad (strawberries, blueberries, & pineapple), coffee, water, & supplements

L: Homemade vegan sausage on bun w/jalapeno hot sauce, pickle, cucumbers; water

Snack: coffee, water, & Oreo cookies

D (planned): big ol’ salad – romaine, cukes, grape tomatoes, celery, onions, & Morningstar Farms chik’n strips (vegan) w/Annie’s Goddess dressing or Green Goddess dressing; lemonade or iced tea

3500 steps
45 minutes walking
15 minutes elliptical