Weighted and measured this moring


Yep, wasn’t pretty. This, my friends, is what the double-whammy of pain and emotional eating do to me – 230; 45 waist; 44 hips.

I needed to put that out there. I need to see it somewhere besides the mirror (which I can avoid) and in my clothes. See, cooler temperatures are ahead which means bigger, bulkier clothing. It’s easy to hide what I’ve regained in cool weather clothes. I see fall and winter with relief sometimes because it means I can hide.

Guess what – I’m tired of hiding! I’m tired of convincing myself that I look better than I think I do. I don’t think I’m horrible, but I’m not the little thing I used to be. I have a closet full of great tops that I’ve outgrown – and I only gained a couple of inches.

I’ve decided that I will not buy any clothing for a while unless it’s for a specific occasion. I have great clothes waiting for me, and they’re not 2-3 sizes smaller, just one. I’m back to a size 20-22 top and not happy about it. I bought most of them in celebration of reaching that size (and the sale was awesome); I need to make sure I get to wear them before they’re out of style.

I’m not going to do anything drastic, just get back to what I need to do, using the tools that I have on hand. I need to make sure I’m eating well and getting the nutrients I need. I need to get in those longer walks. I was up to 3 miles a day before pain knocked me off my game. On the days that walking makes me cry, I’ll hit the floor and get in a few more minutes of yoga and/or Pilates. Yes, this girl is pretty flexible.

Technically I start over for the last time tomorrow, but today has already been a good day. Except for the 4 on the 1-10 pain scale. And the congestion. But that’s another story.

It’s actually a good Monday. Go figure.

Anyone else start over recently? Or come to a new and better understanding of yourself? Share with me!

Be well. Be strong.

So much for playtime, eh?


Settling in has been a bigger job than anticipated. We decided to paint the dining and living rooms later and hubby has been looking at new colors! I might have to strangle him of he changes on me since it took forever to choose the colors we did. He’s thinking about wainscoting again because he saw one that jumped out at him. Never mind that it doesn’t quite fit with our decor….Men I tell ya!

On the health front, I’ve had good and bad days. I cannot exercise for more than a few minutes and am not allowed to lift more than 10 pounds. Well, I got cocky and moved boxes yesterday. Not because I wanted to prove anything, but because I couldn’t stand looking at or subbing my toes on them anymore. One the bright side I got two more boxes out of here altogether & got my holiday stuff into the attic. On the down side, I hurt. Really hurt. But I don’t want to eat the hurt away. That’s something, right?

I rarely have an appetite these days. I eat because I have to and nothing really has any flavor. I feel a funk coming on and need to shake it.

I’ve gained a few pounds – back to 228. I need to regain control and have been doing a little better every day. I’m journaling offline, writing everything down; setting and reaching daily goals. It’s not starting that hurts me, but staying on track. Since exercise is off the table for the time being, I’ll be counting points full time.

School starts next week and that means healthier food for all of us. More fruits and veggies, more balance, more harmony. It could not come at a better time! DD’s excited about high school & DSS is stoked about being a senior in elementary school. I’m looking forward to the quiet while I work, lol.

Anyway, I’ve missed posting here and will be back in regular fashion soon. I know I’ve said that before; sue me.

Until then, be well.

7th day – my day off!


Well, sorta off. I’m not going to actively work out, but I have packing, cleaning, and laundry to do. Strength training and walking. The dumpster is a couple minutes away from our place, so toting multiple bags of trash will work my arms and shoulders. Laundry involves a bit of bending and reaching on top of lifting the baskets. And oh man do we have some baskets to lift!

As for food, I need to go shopping. I have beans on hand and some GimmieLean sausage and homemade taco tvp/nutmeat left over, but just enough for another day or two. I need to grab some protein and veggies.

Monday has always been my weigh in day, so I’m keeping it. Tomorrow I’ll post my loss (I don’t think I have one) or gain (I hope I don’t have one) and reevaluate how I’ve eaten and what I can do to change things.

One thing I need to do is get rid of my triggers. I’ve been craving sugar lately and have eaten sweets. but I didn’t go over in points. I know the difference between a good choice and a bad one, but lately I’ve been working overtime to fit a desired food into my day without going over. I’m not beating myself up, but damn! I have learned to cheat without cheating and it always bites me in the butt. It’s annoying and frustrating.

When I eat things that don’t agree with me I feel ick. I’m bloated, gassy, and miserable. I’m kinda feeling that way right now and had a decent breakfast (Mexican omelet – 2 eggs, taco nut meat, onion, jalapeno, & salsa with water and a cup of coffee) and somewhat naughty snack (small slice coconut cake with water).


K, done. Time to snap out of it and fix what I’m doing wrong. I know what’s wrong and need to stop ignoring it and fix it. I grab certain foods out of habit, not hunger. Until I can get better control when it comes to those foods, I won’t bring them home. If the sweet craving hits, a square of dark chocolate or sugar free pudding will be my fix. Or fruit with (coconut) cream or yogurt.

I feel better. And it didn’t take a week of moping to do so.

Day four – feeling great!


Got in a 30 minute walk and my 8MM this morning. I can’t believe I went walking so early, but it’s supposed to be hot today and I have a lot to do. It feels good to be on track with food and exercise.

My brother and sister-in-law called last night to invite me to go with them to a Weight Watchers meeting. Yep, after talking to my bro on and off for a couple of years and trying to get him to go with me, he’s joined. She lost 9 pounds and he lost 7. They’re excited and both feel that this will last a lifetime. I’m thrilled for them.

The Emmy nominations just aired. Woohoo Michael C. Hall & Dexter! Woohoo Neil Patrick Harris (Doogie)! Woohoo The Office!

Today’s plans include classwork, cooking (which I didn’t get to do yesterday), cleaning, packing, and torturing the kiddos. We also have a few things Tivo’d to take out before we move, so our weekend entertainment is set. I will happily pack while watching Saw 3.

Here’s how my week went


It’s been stressful, but not bad overall. I exercised, ate ok, and made it through two potential binges. I won’t bore you with too many details.

I bought a pedometer and logged my walks and elliptical strides.:
Monday – 8,000 steps
Tuesday – 3500 so far (stupid pedometer reset during my morning walk)
Wednesday – 3672 steps
Thursday – 2200 steps (not a good day at all)
Friday – 4200 so far

21,572 for the week! Not too shabby!

I also made it through the week without Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb knocking me off my feet during their morning walk/run. They did, however, destroy dog bed #4, a pair of sunglasses, and a battery for one of s-son’s RC cars. Lovely, eh?

I’ve been a slacker about getting in a sweat-inducing workout lately. I have Turbo Jam just sitting here, so I’ve decided that I’ll follow the schedule for a month to see how what progress I make. I really liked the workout. I just feel strange about working out with an audience. Silly, isn‘t it? I like how it feels, but blow it off in case I hear giggles or a snide comment. It’s all in my head. My kids like when I exercise and have joined me. The last ones to giggle were hubby and my brother when I pulled out one Richard Simmons’ Broadway videos. And they quickly shut up once they saw that it was work – I challenged the slackers and they left me alone after 5 minutes, lol. I need to shut those bad inner voices out and get back to work. Feel free to give me a shove if I slack off.

Have a wonderful weekend! Get your grill on – lots of healthy alternatives out there that taste just as good!

Thoughts on my progress so far


So I weighed in at 226 on Monday. I started on March 7 at 238 and a few inches bigger. Here are my stats for the past few months:

5/1 measurements:
neck- 15 (down 1 since 3/19)
chest- 48 (same)
arms- (L) 13 1/4 (R) 14 (down 1/2)
waist- 43 1/2 (down 2 1/2 )
hips- 42 (down 2)
thighs- (L) 23 1/3 (R) 23 1/2 (actually a little bigger)

6/2 measurements:
neck 15 (same)
chest= 47 1/2 (1/2″ down)
Arm = 13 1/2 R, 13 1/4 L (down 1/2″)
Calf = 16 3/4 R, 16 3/4 L
thigh = 22 3/4 L, R = 23 (down 3/4″)
hips 42 1/4 (up 1/4 & my butt is higher)
waist 42 (down 1 1/2″)

7/1 measurements:
neck – 15″ (same as last month)
chest – 47 1/2″ (same)
arms – 13 1/2 ” R, 13 1/4″ L (same)
calves – 16 1/2 ” R , 16 1/2 L (down 1/4)
thighs – 23″ R, 22 3/4 L (same)
hips – 42 1/4 (same, butt even higher & rounder)
waist – 41 3/4″ (down 1/4″)

Another 1/2″ down overall! Progress is progress!

There are those who will say that I’m unmotivated and should get moving more, and I’m one of them. But I know my body and know what happens when I push too hard. It’s taken a lot for me to break free of my “all or nothing” mindset and desire to always eat the bad feelings away. I’ve challenged myself to keep exercising, no matter what the form, to find better ways of working through my feelings, and to not beat myself up if I don’t have the same results as someone else. It’s not about just getting smaller, it’s about getting and keeping a healthier mind, body, and spirit.

Overall I feel a lot better. More confident, sexier, happier, and healthier. I have bad days, but when I do I don’t beat myself up. I’m motivated, but tend to let myself become distracted. Right now school (midterms) and the home buying process are the distractions. The family wants me to get healthier and encourage me to hit the elliptical or grab the weights. I went biking with my stepson and he loved every second of leaving me in the dust. When he did, that is. I held my own, lol; can’t get beat by a 10 year old, lol.

I know that I am more than the numbers on the scale and the size of my clothes. The inner sexy hottie mama is coming out more often and I’m loving it!

To my Pound Losin Pretty Chicks, Skinny bitches, and those losing 50-100, ya’ll rock! Thanks for the motivation & support!

Monday and Tuesday so far


Monday June 30 –
I’m at 226 – gained back two that I lost at the beginning of June. Ick. I feel fat and bloated. I need to get back on track and stay there!

I hurt today. I didn’t sleep well over the weekend and am having a little flare-up. Woohoo! Fatigue + pain always makes me want to eat for comfort, meaning starchier stuff. And I fed that craving but kept the fat content down. A little victory is better than none.

8000 steps (I forgot to put it on while running errands)
30 minute walk

Tuesday July 1 –
Summer is already half over. Wow.
My stupid pedometer reset during my morning walk! Grrr!

B: 3 cups fruit salad (strawberries, blueberries, & pineapple), coffee, water, & supplements

L: Homemade vegan sausage on bun w/jalapeno hot sauce, pickle, cucumbers; water

Snack: coffee, water, & Oreo cookies

D (planned): big ol’ salad – romaine, cukes, grape tomatoes, celery, onions, & Morningstar Farms chik’n strips (vegan) w/Annie’s Goddess dressing or Green Goddess dressing; lemonade or iced tea

3500 steps
45 minutes walking
15 minutes elliptical

Monday wasn’t bad; bleah Tuesday so far


Well, Monday did start with some sad news. RIP George Carlin.

After a little bummed time, I got to work on my assignment. I’m feeling better (woohoo detox), but for some reason am not in the mood to eat well. It’s not like there’s nothing in here. I mean I cooked on Sunday – collards, brown rice, vegan sausage (Julie Hasson’s recipe), lots of salad fixins, okra and tomatoes, biscuits, and pancakes (plain for the kids, blueberry corn for me, and hubster will grab whichever he’s in the mood for). I made sure the fridge and freezer are stocked with yummy goodness – fruit, veggies, vegan chicken strips, veggie chick’n nuggets, various lean protein options for the omni family. Yesterday I just wasn’t feeling up to eating well, which is not normal for me anymore.

What has been normal for me is the need to jump from plan to plan when I’m not making the progress I want. I’ll stop eating my 5 + daily veggie & fruit servings, forget to exercise or take down the intensity level, pack in the starchy stuff, and throw in sweets while wondering why the scale has stopped moving. Instead of refocusing, I change my eating plan. From low carb to counting points to nearly vegan – all for the sake of dropping pounds quickly. I’ve learned that I need to eat a healthier, balanced diet, keep fat within reasonable amounts, and to not see anything as forbidden. When I make a list of naughty foods, I want them more.

With that said, I thought I’d mention Team Beach Body. I heard about the virtual fitness club an decided to join. After a month a joined the club and followed the eating plan. I started with a 1600 calories ‘low carb‘ plan, but it’s not an Atkins-style plan. It’s a balanced Zone or South Beach phase 3 plan and easy to follow. It’s how I generally eat, but with less fat, regularly-sized portions, and, lower fat. I retook the test today and it suggested that plan again. I’m not sure how closely I’ll follow the actual foods listed, but I will keep the fat, car, and protein content close. If anyone here is a member, feel free to invite me to a workout or two and add me to your list. You can get a better idea of what I’ve been doing so far by checking out my profile.

Huh. Tuesday is now looking up – we put in a bid on a house today and the seller is very excited about it.

Tuesday = more ick


I’m tired. Really tired. Whatever this is is wearing me down, and not sleeping well does not help matters.

It was a good food day, but it almost wasn’t. I had a late snack (around 5 pm) and worked on assignments before realizing I hadn’t had dinner – at 11 pm. I wasn’t in the mood to cook (and had a lovely clogged kitchen sink to contend with) , so hubster offered to go grab something. I’ve been craving Taco Bell lately so I wrote down my nummies of choice and off her went. The store’s computer was down, so no TB. I told him to skip it and I’d grab something, and was resigned to whipping something up after all, when he called back. Burger King was open. Visions of onion rings and the veggie burger danced through my head. Luckily for me, they closed early. At the time I was bummed, but today I’m glad. I snagged a PB&J and some pineapple juice instead (yum)!

B: green smoothie (strawberries, cucumbers, romaine, lemon juice, & splash agave nectar); water; supplements
L: chickpea ‘tuna’ salad, reduced fat Wheat Thins; green tea
S: blueberry Nutri-grain bar (2), lemon water
D/late snack: PB&J on Pepperidge Farms Honey Flax bread (too heavy for me)

Exercise: 45 minutes walking, stretching