How much could I do today?


It’s time for today’s episode of What Made Sherrie’s Body Quit! The game where that line between ‘good’ and ‘nope’ moves on a daily basis.

I loaded the dishwasher and cleaned food from the fridge. The full plan included wiping down the fridge inside and out, dumping trash and recycling, and finishing up the load in the dryer. What happened? Fibromyalgia and arthritis. My spine is on fire daily and I know the signs of needing to quit. My ribs, though? They decided to jump in. My side decided to scream in protest as I moved things off the fridge shelves. Then the pain radiated to the front, sparking an episode of ‘Heart or Ribs?’ That game requires dropping everything to make sure it isn’t my heart.

Before anyone makes a snide comment about that fat girl being out of shape, I’ve been fatter and in worse shape. I’m not out of breath. I’m in pain.

This isn’t an attempt to gain sympathy. It’s a straight look into my afternoon. The stupidity of the decisions that are needed just to keep pain at a lower level so I can function. It’s not fun or a game when cleaning the kitchen could result in a day of bed to couch and back. And don’t get me started on the which meds to take decision. Do I take the prescribed stuff and have a full on high or the otc stuff and tear up my stomach? There’s more to it, but yeah.

And that ends today’s game. Xena says hi by the way. She’s not thrilled about the game, but it does mean extra snuggles.

See you later.



If you are not in the mood for a bit of anger and frustration, definitely skip this one. This is all off the top of my head with no edits. This shows you where I am when I turn my filters off. But without the swearing.

I do not understand why finding help for chronic issues is so difficult. I don’t understand how or why treatment rarely takes other issues into consideration. And I really do not understand why pieces of a patient take priority over the patient as a whole.

Here’s an example using my issues. Nerve impingement in different areas of my body are treated by three different docs. The resulting pain is amplified by the Fibromyalgia. My neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, and hands are a numb, tingly, painful, and weakening mess. The allowances I make to ease the pressure on my neck and shoulders are not the best for my elbows, wrists, and hands. What could be best for them may aggravate my neck and shoulders.

Was that a jumbled mess? I hope not. If so, it’s a reflection of my frustration. How do I choose which pain has to take priority? I’ve been trying to compartmentalize the issues for ages and now my body has had more than enough. I am screaming. Screaming in pain, frustration, and in hopes the screaming takes the edge off.

At least I’m not getting the ‘just lose weight’ suggestions. Yet.

I am not seeking drugs. I need answers so I can feel better. I do not expect to get to 100% ever again. I just want to stop screaming.

The next post will be different. For now, I see Jerrod Carmichael’s new HBO special and spring rolls in my future. Beyond that, I’m undecided.

See you next time.

Do you use CBD oil for pain relief?


Greetings, all! As you may know, I live with chronic pain. Some days are much better than others thanks to physical therapy, learning how to move more effectively, meds, and herbal teas. Something else that seems to help some days is CBD oil.

I’ve experimented with the concentration over the years and have found 1500-2500 mg full-spectrum formulas helpful. I do have to take supplemental meds some non-flare days, so I’m going to try a higher concentration.

If you are considering giving CBD a try, do some research. I don’t mean random sites you may find or the sales pitch from a buddy who will receive a commission. Ask your doctor for sources, especially if you have a pain management specialist. My doc is willing to help me find solutions that do not involve heavy meds but does not hesitate to fuss at me if I am about to make an error.

You can start your research with Dr. Andrew Colucci’s article and review his resources. Also, check the reviews for specific brands on Amazon. You don’t have to shop there but will see what other shoppers think. I tend to start with the two-star reviews then go to three-star reviews. Those tend to be more honest in my opinion.

So, do you use CBD as a supplement or your main pain relief option? Let me know.

Until next time, peace.

Nuphorin for anxiety relief


Note: I am not a medical professional. Anything shared here is based on my personal experimentation and not meant as medical advice. Do not alter your protocol without discussing it with your doctor.

Vitavana offered me a bottle of Nuphorin free of charge for my review.  My views on this and any product I review are my own. 

I am not a fan of pharmaceuticals, but I know when to stop experimenting When no other options work, I take my meds. If the side effects nullify any of the medication’s benefits, I discuss the options with my doc and we’ll work together to find an alternative solution.

Before I found a drug and supplement protocol that worked for me, my doc suggested I try an anti-anxiety medication for help with pain and stress relief.  Fibromyalgia and chronic pain patients sometimes also deal with depression and anxiety, so sometimes the addition of anxiety medication may reduce those issues and help take the edge off of pain.  With daily pain hovering in the 6-7 of 10 range with flares and spikes in the 9-10 range, I figured I should try.  I was willing to try anything.

After three months of Cymbalta and her side effects, it was time to try a natural option.  I’ve heard that GABA, 5-HTP, magnesium, and vitamin B all have positive benefits for some anxiety symptoms, so the search for a supplement was on.  I didn’t want to add many more pills to my protocol, so I focused on combination supps.  Vitavana offered me a sample of Turmerex and I noticed the company also had an anxiety relief supplement available.  They offered a sample of Nuphorin and asked that I give it a try and share an honest review.

Nuphorin Anxiety Relief may be a good alternative for those using alternative options for anxiety or stress management. Each vegetarian capsule contains Ashwagandha extract, GABA, Chamomile, 5-HTP, DMAE Bitartrate, Vitamin B-1, Vitamin B-2, Niacinamide, Vitamin B-6, Folic Acid, Vitamin B-12, Calcium, and Magnesium.  The ingredient list did not worry me, so I stuck to the recommended dose of 1-2 capsules a day (one with breakfast and one with dinner) and wished for good results. I did not feel the blah haze the came with the Cymbalta and I didn’t feel the need to binge eat.  My heart hate went back to regular, my eyes stopped throbbing, and that, uh, loving feeling came back.  Hubby was happy about that.

If you’re currently using supplements for anxiety relief, Nuphorin Anxiety Relief is worth a try.  Each 60 capsule bottle is $39.95 with free shipping for Amazon Prime Members.  Vitavana offers a 60 day money back guarantee, so trying Nuphorin is risk-free.

I’ll share more about my protocol in other posts.  Finding the right mix of pharmaceuticals and supplements was just one part of the process.

Flare week two


Your friendly neighborhood Sherrie isn’t feeling very friendly.   The frustration,  anger, sadness, and grump are strong in this one.

Frustration stems from an inability to control pain when it’s in an uncontrollable state.  My daily routine, relaxation,  and even meds only aggravate the pain sensors and make me stabby.

Anger comes from the same place as frustration,  but is magnified by the limited mobility, lack of meaningful exercise,  and fear of the flare continuing past week two.

Cue the sadness.  Once fear comes around,  the tears are sure to follow.  I’m only 46.  If this is what 46 feels like, what will 56 bring?   If I need assistance to stand now, I might need more assistance later.  And what if the degeneration speed increases with time?  How am I supposed to train when I can barely stand?  

Yes, it gets that bad sometimes.  It’s hard to tell when people see me smiling and pushing through.

Once anger passes, the general grump sets in.  Why are people calling me?  Why do I need to cook?  These dogs need to feed themselves.   Bah, humbug.

The longer the flare, the longer this cycle lasts.  I know flares are temporary,  but while living through one, logical thinking flies out the window.  And laughs at me.

Why do I share?  Because it helps keep me sane.  And to let anyone reading this know that the feelings are real and you’re not crazy.  Or alone.  Chronic conditions can do a number on your body, mind, and spirit.

If you need me, give me an hour or so.  I’m riding out the flare from my bedside workstation.   Thank you, flexible scheduling!
