Eating for real


Let’s be real for a minute. We know it’s better to eat at the table so you can put your focus squarely on your meal, but that isn’t always how things go. We eat at our desks, in the car, and while watching tv.  While protein shakes and smoothies are a great option for mobile meals, those don’t always do the trick.  My question is this:  what kinds of things do you reach for when you need something more but don’t always have both hands available?

When I need to eat at my desk, easy-to-eat fruit and nuts is one of my favorite combos.  Apple slices or strawberries with a serving of mixed nuts on the side makes me happy.

apples n nuts

Give me a Honeycrisp, Jonagold, Ambrosia, or Granny Smith and I’m a happy woman. 

When fruit isn’t what I’m feeling at that  moment, muffins make me smile.  Blueberry, oatmeal, apple spice, pumpkin or sweet potato muffins are blissful one-handed goodies that don’t always leave a mess on my clothes or keyboard.


These Blueberry Yogurt muffins from Happy Herbivore Light & Lean and delicious, guilt-free, and quick.  Happy Herbivore photo.

You can never go wrong with a good old fashioned sandwich.  I make sure it’s not made with messy fillings so I don’t have to worry as much about a gloopy keyboard or stains on my tops.


Nothing like a sammy full of holiday leftovers.

What are you favorite meals or snacks when you eat on the go or in the office?

Semi-Wordless Wednesday: Raw Goodness


Oh man has it been a while.  I’ll cover where I’ve been in another post since today is about less words and more pics.  So here’s one pic of my fab lunch and (hopefully) tomorrow’s breakfast if hubs doesn’t love it):

It’s is the Save the Tuna Salad from  It’s nummy!  It’s my first seed and nut-based tuna salad and I think I have a new favorite.  Of course I had to add more pickles and celery than the recipe calls for, but that’s just how I roll.  And since gluten is a no-no, I had it over romaine with tomatoes from the garden and cukes.  Want some?  I might share, but it would be better if you just made your own.  Cuz that’s how I roll when I’m sleep-deprived and sore.

So much for semi-wordless, eh?  Jeez.

Peace, all.