June already? What’s your plan?


Can you believe 2014 is already six months old?  June is already 11 days old?  Where did the time go?  Are you on track?  Anywhere close to where you wanted to be?  I’ll admit it,  I’m not.   And I won’t let it throw me much.  I’ll tweak my plans and go month to month.

My plan was in part inspired by a dream.  I’ve been back and forth to the doc and specialists (yes, plural) trying to finally figure out what all ails me.   It’s exhausting and frustrating and frightening if I K et my mind wander too much.  More so if I consult Dr. Google instead of waiting to for a specific diagnosis.   According to Google,  cold symptoms could be anything from a cold to a rare syndrome that would put someone just outside death’s door.  No one needs that kind of stress or fear without knowing what’s going on inside them.

So, back to this dream.  Of course I dreamed about a doctor visit.  I mean, it’s been at least 33% of my focus for a while now.  So, I’m waiting for the doc to walk in, and it’s Kris Carr!   You know, the woman behind Crazy, Sexy Cancer.  Her.

I was so in awe and blown away.  I think seeing her was a sign.  Not that a cancer diagnosis is looming, but that I’m doing the right thing by following up with the docs and working on healing.  Another round of physical therapy starts next today   My diet is cleaning up and even more greens are coming in.  My healthier cookbooks are my main kitchen inspiration and I’m eating to live.

There they are, two of my inspirations!

There they are, two of my inspirations!

One of my go-to's for healthy vegan eats.

One of my go-to’s for healthy vegan eats. Lindsay Nixon photo.

A fav dish from Crazy Sexy Kitchen.  Sherrie Thompson photo.

A fav dish from Crazy Sexy Kitchen.  This and the tahini dressing that is.

I'll hit the library more often than the bookstore for new inspiration.

I’ll hit the library more often than the bookstore for new inspiration.

I don’t want to just survive anymore.  I want to thrive, glow, and kick ass.

So, what’s happening with you?  Have any good dreams lately?



This is National Women’s Health Week (May 11-17).  I spent it learning more about health issues that other women face.  Out of all the stories I heard, Heather’s Mesothelioma battle stood out.  I had to share.    

Mesothelioma.  Have you heard of it?  There is a late night ad running encouraging people to call a specific law firm if a loved one has it.  Have you seen the ad?  While I’m not fond of this kind of client recruitment, if it helps raise awareness, I can get past the money-hungry reason behind it.

Malignant Mesothelioma was once considered a man’s disease, but this form of cancer affects women as well.  Asbestos exposure, first or second-hand, is a primary risk factor of this disease.  Do you remember hearing the panic about asbestos in buildings and blowing it off as no big deal?  Many did, including me.  Many years ago, there were many meetings at my my school about student, staff, and teacher asbestos exposure.  I didn’t know what it meant and couldn’t be bothered back then.  I was more interested in when the construction workers would finish the work and move on.  The extra noise made me a little crazy while trying to concentrate on Algebra and Trig.  It took years before I realized what we were exposed to and what could happen.

Heather Von St. James knows all too well what Mesothelioma can do.  She’s an eight year survivor and spreads the word as a blogger with the Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance.  This organization has resources for patients and their families such as detailed information about the types of Mesothelioma, treatment, access to legal assistance, support, and straight talk from survivors  like Heather.    Thanks to her, I learned more about this disease than I’d previously known.

There are three known types of Malignant Mesothelioma.   The form Heather survived, Pleural Mesothelioma, is the most common form and occurs in the lung.  Peritoneal Mesothelioma occurs in the peritoneum , the lining of the abdominal cavity.  Pericardial Mesothelioma affects the lining of the heart.  Symptoms are diverse and common.  Anemia, chest or back pain, difficulty swallowing, nausea, fluid buildup, and others are reported.  If you experience the symptoms, go see your doctor.  The sooner a diagnosis is made – or ruled out – the better.

Emily Walsh, another blogger with the Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance, shared facts that terrify me.  Asbestos exposure is responsible for the majority of occupational cancer cases in the United States.  Asbestos can be found in houses, schools, and other buildings built before the 1970’s, and the substance is still not banned!  How can that be?  Even though warnings are issued about exposure – and no amount of exposure is safe.  What will it take for a ban to occur?

Know your risks.  Know that if you or a loved one is diagnosed, you are not alone.  Heather, Emily, and the Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance are there for you.   Find them on Facebook, Twitter, and G+ to see the resources available to those who need it.  Or go learn about the disease for yourself.

Until next time, share what you’ve learned and be safe.  Take care, all.


Looking back and forward


Howdy, all.  Your friendly neighborhood Sherrie here.

I struggle with my weight.  You know this because I’ve shared before.  I’ll lose, then regain, then plateau for months at a time.  I’ve done fasts, extreme diets, and taken supplements.  I’ve eliminated entire food groups just to see if it would work for me.  I’ve been stuck on meds for one ailment or another and tried working around the weight gain side effects.  I’ve nearly starved myself following super low calorie plans in hopes of jump-starting my weight loss.

Bah!  I’ve messed up my metabolism and irritated my already aggravated system.  I’ve made weight the central issue instead of my overall health and that had to change. The end of extreme is here and now.  Out are all of the crazy things I’ve tried in the past.  In come common sense and real food.

Real food from plant sources first are foremost.  I won’t tell you that you have to eat like I do, but I will tell you what works and doesn’t work for me.  I operate better on plants.  Beans, greens, sweet potatoes, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, onions, garlic, berries, apples, mangoes, avocados, and the rest.  Seeds and nuts are good, too, just not too many.  Olives make me smile and give me a little salty, fatty goodness in a small serving.  And I love my rice, oatmeal, and quinoa.  I just can’t have huge plates of those alone.

Am I giving up all the sugar?  Not 100%; at least not yet.  I’ve cut back a lot over the years and even more over the past few months.  And it feels good. I get more than enough sugar from fruit 98% of the time. That other 1-2% percent? A cookie or something like that.  Or raw vegan cheesecake.  

So, that’s my plan in a nutshell.  Not just my plan, but my new and much improved way of life. Are you making any changes?  Tell me about it.  You’re not alone.  Not now or ever.

Happy 2014!


So, what are your health and fitness goals for the new year?

I’ll keep on keeping on, even more determined to fix what ails me.  I’m not afraid to speak up or seek additional resources if I don’t get the answers I need.  I spent too many years unsure and floundering.  No more!

I’m also done with worrying about how I’m not keeping up with so-and-so. I only need to compete with myself on my fitness journey.  It’s mine.  My progress and results are mine.  It’s liberating!  Try it!  Just do you!

So in 2014, expect more inspiration for people on all fitness levels, more meal plans, recipes, and general musings here.

Bye for now.  Time for a little snuggling with the dogs as they freak a little at the fireworks outside.  :sigh:

Happy Herbivore Light & Lean is coming!


I’ve made no secret of my love for Happy Herbivore Lindsay Nixon.  I found the blog while searching for cleaner and lighter vegan alternatives for the food I love.  Her cookbooks are my go-to when someone asks me for healthy recipes and I’ve picked up her meal plans from time to time.  Her twists on Southern favorites are loved by the omni family, too, and as I’ve mentioned before, pleasing the man and boy is not always easy.

When Lindsay made the announcement about her newest book, I pre-ordered it (In March) and scored!  I receive an excerpt with 14 recipes and a bonus book.

Happy Herbivore Light & Lean includes more of the low fat,whole food vegan recipes I love and workout plans. If you pre-ordered,you’ve seen some of the goodness this book has in store.  The Meatloaf Bites and Carol’s Cabbage Soup are particularly yummy.  If you’re looking for something sweet, her Blueberry Yogurt Muffins are a delight.  Pair one with fruit or hash browns for breakfast, snag one for a snack with coffee or tea, or have it for dessert.  

For the blog tour, I asked Lindsay three questions about her her favorite forms of exercise and her advice for someone new to the clean plant-based way of eating.  

Me:  In your blog you mention snowboarding a lot.  Besides hitting the board, what is your favorite type
of exercise?

LN: I go hiking almost every day when it’s not winter. I also really enjoy yoga year-round.

Me:  That’s great!  I love yoga, too. Finding activities I love helps me look at exercise as fun and not a chore. Now on to making a change in general.  Do you have any advice for someone just making the change from a sedentary lifestyle and SAD to active and whole food plant-based?  Should he/she go all in or take it one step at a time?

LN:  I can’t recommend the meal plans enough!  Or my 3-day reboot or 10-day cleanse immersion 
 program. Every person is different. I find most people have the best success doing
 a 180-approach, just rip off the band aid, as I say. Other people need a more gradual approach. Make every meal you can a healthy plant-based one, and start walking on your lunch break. Start with 5 minutes if you have to, then add on. Then start walking in the morning before work. Little by little!

Me:  I thought I was a 180-degree person, but with the family I’ve found it easier to make gradual changes. Converting their favorite recipes is sometimes a challenge.  Have you converted all of your favorite foods into whole food goodness?  How difficult was it?

LN:  Yes! Some recipes proved more challenging than others but for the most part everything has translated quite beautifully and many times, I like the new healthy version way better.

Appreciate your time, Lindsay – thanks!

While I recover and figure out how to get into a sustainable workout routine, eating clean helps me keep on track.  If you want affordable, easy, clean, quick, and delicious recipes with wide appeal, check out the Happy Herbivore blog and books.  Light & Lean is going to be awesome!  Get a sneak peek on Amazon and keep your eyes open for more from me on the recipes.


Random chatter

I love my husband! This was a surprise gift. 

‘Ello. I’m still feeling the love after last night’s Supernatural Saturday. Not a Whovian or into Orphan Black?  Give them a watch. Trust me.

What else is happening?  Well, turns out I’m not the only one in my family with back issues. Dad had some and had to wear a hard core back brace on occasion.  Thanks, dad. Cardiovascular issues and spinal issues.  But seriously, I wish you were still her so I could hassle you a little.

The spine is still kinda crumbly, but I’m going to work with instead of against them.  Can’t lift or jump or run right now?  That’s ok, doc.  Low impact cardio? Sweet!  Shaun T, Tai Cheng, Pilates, yoga, walking, and body weight resistance to the rescue!  I won’t overdo it. I’ll star with 2-3 days of more than walking and add more as I get stronger.

Shaun T and low impact don’t seem to go together, right?  But before Insanity, there was Hip Hop Abs and  Rockin’ Body. Besides, I love dancing. I spent many, many nights (weeknights and weekends) dancing and still have random afternoon dance breaks.  And, you know, he is very nice to look at and listen to.  I mean inspirational.  I meat hot.  I mean motivating.  Actually, he’s all of the above.

 Interested in Rockin’ Body or Hip Hop Abs?
‘They’re on sale for $19.95 each right now.  

So, do you want to share random chatter with me?  Food, drink, fitness, dance, other? Give me a shout.

Until next time, peace.

Guest post – Spring into Action to Prevent Diabetes


Diabetes is no joke.  It’s touched so many people and their families.  While we may not be able to prevent Type 1, Type 2 can be effectively managed with nutrition and exercise.  Carolyn Fallon wrote this excellent post on making the needed changes easy and fun.  Carolyn blogs at Full on Fit — give this a read and follow her blog.  

My 13-year-old cousin was recently diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes.  Since then, the importance of health and nutrition has become a central theme in my family. We now work together to stop this disease from
invading again. Diabetes prevention isn’t just theory; studies have shown that if you control your weight, eat healthy and stay active, you can prevent or dramatically delay the onset of the disease.

Since March (was) National Nutrition Month, it’s a perfect time to make positive changes. Unfortunately, the excitement of spring can make us forget our New Year’s resolutions. Little slip-ups can quickly turn
into obesity and sedentary living, and those conditions lead to Type 2 Diabetes. Therefore, it’s critical to make our health a priority all year.

Here are some great tips we’ve discovered:

Anti-Diabetes Nutrition Tips

Healthy Snacks
Instead of serving potato chips and cookies, keep healthy snacks like fresh fruits or vegetables readily available. These natural foods are packed with cell-building nutrition and fiber instead of sugar and poor-
quality carbohydrates that can trigger overeating and lead to obesity and diabetes.

Whole Grains are Best
Choose whole grains whenever possible. Fiber-rich whole grains digest slowly; they don’t cause sudden blood sugar spikes that lead to large releases of insulin.

No Sugar!
Lower the amount of sugar your family consumes by switching to water or low-calorie, natural beverages like unsweetened brewed iced tea instead of sodas. This will help keep blood glucose stable and keep from
adding on extra weight.

Kiss Fast-Food Goodbye
Say good-bye to greasy, deep-fried foods that don’t offer any nutritional value. Stir-fry, bake, grill or broil foods, and use non-stick sprays instead of heavy fats and butter.

A yummy recipe for the whole family to enjoy: Sour Cream Fruit Dip

1 cup low-fat sour cream
2 tablespoons Grand Marnier or Amaretto
1 tablespoon brown sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Mix all ingredients together and serve with fresh or lightly grilled fruit.

Spring in Your Step

Flower Walk
Plan a family or neighborhood flower walk. Gather a list of local spots that boast lovely blooms and map out a walking path to visit them. This is a low-impact activity that is appropriate for almost any age or fitness

Take Advantage of Yard Work
Plant a garden and mow the grass. Yard work burns plenty of calories, and spring is the perfect time to take advantage of it. Expect some soreness from the bending and stooping. When you finish your own
yard, volunteer to help your neighbors with theirs.

Play Like a Kid Again
Plan activities with the whole family. Instead of indoor games, take competitions outdoors and incorporate physical activities into the game’s rewards or participation requirements. Games such as tag, kickball, capture-the-flag, etc. are all fun for all!

Get Fit
Go to a fitness class, or rent some fitness videos and exercise together as a family right from home! My cousins love coming to my house to do Zumba and Yoga. What’s even better is the great benefits of such fun
activities – according to orthopedic doctors from Syracuse’s Orthopedic Center, yoga is great for people of all ages because it increase balance, posture, flexibility, and bone and joint health. Plus, it increases our
bonding time in an activity that everyone can do at their own level and pace!

You can find many creative ways to encourage activity and healthy eating. Above all, make good habits fun, and enjoy a happy, healthy spring.

Carolyn is a 20-something year old with a passion for life, fitness and overall well-being. She is an avid cycler, golfer and has been known to bust some serious moves on the dance floor. Check out Carolyn’s blog at http://fullonfit.blogspot.com/!

Progress, baby!


My progress may not me the same as yours, and that’s okay.  Progress is the goal.  Consistency is key.

I am sore and hate every second of it, but am walking on air!  Another three pounds, gone!  Another few inches, gone!  While my official measurement day is a week away, I decided to take a peek.  After this past few days of pain, I needed something to make me feel like the work is paying off.  It’s paying, baby! 

Clean eating + working as hard as I can = progress.  My progress may not me the same as yours, and that’s okay.  Progress is the goal.  Consistency is key.   It took me a long, long time to learn that.  It finally clicked and things are moving in the right direction.

I will get through this.  I will continue to work within safe parameters while working hard.  I will continue to get stronger.  I will continue down this path.

Here’s to finding the path that is yours.  And finding success on it.

Until next time, peace.