Living the semi-quarantine life


Hello, family!  It’s been far too long since I’ve posted here.  I’m still active on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, but my official blog has been about empty.

Bruno 5-19

He was tiny, but look at those feet! 

Here’s a short update:

  • I’m a puppy grandma (happy birthday, boy!)
  • I’m recovering from a series of three steroid injections and one oral steroid pack) because my spine decided my legs and hips shouldn’t work correctly
  • I’ve been up, down, and all-around these last months and think am coming out of that cycle

Getting back on my feet has been my main goal lately, but making sure my nutrition game is on point is up there, too.  I’ve been unable to cook for a couple of months now and proved to myself yesterday that short cooking sessions won’t knock me out or lead to spasms.  Thanks to Instant Pot, I will have on-plan food that has flavor.

The main reason I popped on is to tell you to hang tight.  It may be annoying and a little rocky at first, but this current normal is not the end of everything.  It may take a few weeks to a few months, but we are resilient.  We will get through this pandemic by washing our hands and not being dicks.  Don’t buy more toilet paper or cleaning supplies than you need.  Don’t grab all the bread and nut butter.  Remember that we are all facing the same shortages, reduced shopping hours, and uncertainty.  We will heal together.  We will find or way together.  Your neighbor is not your enemy – fear is.

For the time being, I’ll share my thoughts, menus, and whatever random idea of entertainment that comes to mind.  I have a few book reviews to share, too.  I’ll stop treating my blog as an afterthought for those of you here to see what’s happening in my corner of the spoonie world.  Until then, be good to yourselves.


I’ve chosen self-quarantine as a way of life.  Get offa my lawn! 


Social dieting – do you participate?


Do you share your fitness journey on social media?  I do.  I share the good and bad, and have found a tribe of like-minded folks who support and share as well.  My feed is full of people at all stages of the fitness journey and it helps me keep motivated and focused. Note:   I compete with myself and see other’s journeys as theirs alone.  My progress is mine and where I am is directly related to me and former versions of me. 

Support and challenge groups are not new, but a new type of challenge is on the rise.  If you follow fitness accounts on social media, you’re sure to run across calls for challenges or bets that award prizes to the biggest loser.  Some challenges call for pledges of  $5, $10, $25 or more and the winners get to split the pot at challenge end.  I haven’t participated in this sort of challenge, but they are many.  Studies show that incentive-based challenges may increase motivation and success.  A Mayo Clinic study on “Individual- Versus Group-Based Financial Incentives for Weight Loss” not only found that “sustained weight loss can be achieved by financial incentives” and that “financial incentives can improve results, and improve compliance and adherence,” but lead author, Jeffrey T. Kullgren, M.D., M.S., M.P.H., also cited the advantages of social dynamics for employers offering such awards to help control health care costs while also improving the health of employees, noting, “We found that these incentives were substantially more powerful when delivered in groups…” The study concluded that “A group-based financial incentive was more effective than an individual incentive.”  A Brown University suggests that shedding pounds can have a “contagious” ripple effect and concluded that social networks and teamwork play a significant role in enhancing weight loss outcomes in weight loss interventions.

If you want to start or join a cash prize challenge to kick off 2016 with a bang, consider signing up with HealthyWageHealthyWage provides cash incentives, social and expert-based support, tools and resources, and goal-setting and tracking technologies to address our nation’s obesity epidemic and improve America’s collective health.  How does a $10,000 top prize sound to you?  One top winner, Kristin Westerfield of Indianapolis, IN lost 114 pounds and won $4,000.

Are you a social dieter?  Which platform do you use?  Does it keep you motivated?



N.A. Christakis and J.H. Fowler, “The Spread of Obesity in a Large Social Network Over 32 Years,” New England Journal of Medicine 357(4): 370-79 (July 2007)
Teamwork Makes Weight Loss More Fun & Successful

Leahey, T.M., Kumar, R., Weinberg, B., Wing, R.R., “Teammates and Social Influence Affect Weight Loss Outcomes in a Team-based Weight Loss Competition,” Obesity, 20 7, 1413-18 (2012)