World Vegetarian Day, Vegan MoFo, and a Challenge


Another Vegan Kickstart has come and gone and so have 4 pounds. Granted they were lost in the first week, but I maintained for the month and that makes me happy.  Counting Points is working for me and I’m saving money in the process, too.  Less junk is coming in the house and less food is being wasted.  It feels good.

It’s almost October and that means another World Vegetarian Day will kick off another Vegetarian Awareness Month.  I’m a giddy girl because it means another Vegan MoFo is upon us.  My procrastinating butt missed the Vegan MoFo signup deadline so I will be sitting on the sidelines again.  But I won’t be completely out.  I’ll be blogging more often and posting pics more often, too.  That will be a challenge in itself because I don’t always post regularly.

Another challenge that I’m going to take on is the Eat-In Challenge from Cook. Vegan. Lover.  Basically I’m going to eat in for every meal, drink, and snack for the month of October.  I am somewhat torn because I have a new job (yay) and wanted to celebrate at The Sprout next week.  The special events are scheduled monthly, but this one is screaming my name.  Other than this meal, I’m going to stick it out.   It’s easier for me to eat at home anyway since I’m the ‘difficult’ one in the family when it comes to eating out.  Difficult according to the omni family, anyway.  :sigh:

Eating in would save us a bundle.  We rarely spend less than $40 when the four of us are together and most of the time the bill pushes $60. I can throw a killer week of meals together for $60.  Hell, I’ve done it with less.  Once the pantry is stocked, I can work magic with $40-50 a week.  I know I can keep on track because I track Points already.  The most difficult part of this challenge will be the hubby and kidos.   Yeah, I’m going to give it a shot.  

On the health front, the headaches continue while the blood pressure continues to fluctuate, but that’s another post.

Until later, peace.

Full moon on Monday


Instead of a new moon – any of my 80s music fans get it?  Dating myself?  I thought as much.

So I’ve been back to counting points and doing what I need to do for one month now.  I lost 4 pounds before the vegan kickstart and 3 pounds in the first week of the kickstart.  7 pounds in a month!  The last time I lost that much, I was working out hardcore without changing my eating plan.  Can you imagine how well I’ll do while eating right?  That’s all I’ve been doing for the most part, just eating right and getting on 2 days of decent exercise.

This WAHM is happy!

I need to get these headaches in check before I kick up the exercise regimen.  I feel like crap when I have one (like today) and cannot function much more than the minimal amount when one is really working me.  But that’s another post.

Dinner is ready to roll – leftovers and the family will deal with it, bread is in the machine, and the first gallon of tea is ready.  Yes, the family takes out 3/4 to a gallon of iced tea a day in addition to water and coffee.  I’m still having just one cup of joe a day.

Is it just me or am I rambling?

Anyway, until next time.

I’m loving Jackfruit and WW


Last week I watched my portions and got in more produce.  The result was a 2 pound loss and looser pants.  My usually bloated tummy looks smaller – to me and hubby – and I feel pretty good.  Even the three day migraine didn’t mess things up much.  Yay!

I logged most of my meals on SparkPeople and realized how I regained the weight.  I let fattier foods and larger portions take over my plate for the most part and did not get in the sweat time I need.  Food is a big part of it for me, and I know how to do better.  I am doing better.

And speaking of food, want a recipe?   I’m in love with Jackfruit.  I my first batch of Jackfruit Carnitas last week and made my second last night.  These Enchiladas came together quickly because of the leftovers and convinced me to keep it on hand.  It’s perfect – it’s a non-soy, fiber-rich, all-natural meat substitute.  Yay!

Speaking of SparkPeople, I’m leader of two teams, Charleston Sparkers and Vegetarian/Vegans with 100+ to Lose.  V/V is small, only 6 members, and was a good place for me a few months back.  The leader disappeared, so I stepped up.  Knowing that others are expecting me to help them stay motivated will help me stay motivated.  Join me?

Week 2 and a bit of whining


I lost another pound. I counted points, kept fat intake in check, and only lost a pound. One pound gone after a week like that used to make me want to cry, but I’m trying to keep the positive in mind. I have more energy and feel good. I got creative in the kitchen and the family enjoyed it right along with me. I’m on track and am gonna do what it takes to stay that way.

Now for the whining. My arthritic knee and shoulder are working overtime. I can’t walk more than I am at the moment and then I am am sucking down Tylenol or Advil to keep mobile. Gah!

That’s it. Time to meet DD’s school bus.

7th day – my day off!


Well, sorta off. I’m not going to actively work out, but I have packing, cleaning, and laundry to do. Strength training and walking. The dumpster is a couple minutes away from our place, so toting multiple bags of trash will work my arms and shoulders. Laundry involves a bit of bending and reaching on top of lifting the baskets. And oh man do we have some baskets to lift!

As for food, I need to go shopping. I have beans on hand and some GimmieLean sausage and homemade taco tvp/nutmeat left over, but just enough for another day or two. I need to grab some protein and veggies.

Monday has always been my weigh in day, so I’m keeping it. Tomorrow I’ll post my loss (I don’t think I have one) or gain (I hope I don’t have one) and reevaluate how I’ve eaten and what I can do to change things.

One thing I need to do is get rid of my triggers. I’ve been craving sugar lately and have eaten sweets. but I didn’t go over in points. I know the difference between a good choice and a bad one, but lately I’ve been working overtime to fit a desired food into my day without going over. I’m not beating myself up, but damn! I have learned to cheat without cheating and it always bites me in the butt. It’s annoying and frustrating.

When I eat things that don’t agree with me I feel ick. I’m bloated, gassy, and miserable. I’m kinda feeling that way right now and had a decent breakfast (Mexican omelet – 2 eggs, taco nut meat, onion, jalapeno, & salsa with water and a cup of coffee) and somewhat naughty snack (small slice coconut cake with water).


K, done. Time to snap out of it and fix what I’m doing wrong. I know what’s wrong and need to stop ignoring it and fix it. I grab certain foods out of habit, not hunger. Until I can get better control when it comes to those foods, I won’t bring them home. If the sweet craving hits, a square of dark chocolate or sugar free pudding will be my fix. Or fruit with (coconut) cream or yogurt.

I feel better. And it didn’t take a week of moping to do so.

Day four – feeling great!


Got in a 30 minute walk and my 8MM this morning. I can’t believe I went walking so early, but it’s supposed to be hot today and I have a lot to do. It feels good to be on track with food and exercise.

My brother and sister-in-law called last night to invite me to go with them to a Weight Watchers meeting. Yep, after talking to my bro on and off for a couple of years and trying to get him to go with me, he’s joined. She lost 9 pounds and he lost 7. They’re excited and both feel that this will last a lifetime. I’m thrilled for them.

The Emmy nominations just aired. Woohoo Michael C. Hall & Dexter! Woohoo Neil Patrick Harris (Doogie)! Woohoo The Office!

Today’s plans include classwork, cooking (which I didn’t get to do yesterday), cleaning, packing, and torturing the kiddos. We also have a few things Tivo’d to take out before we move, so our weekend entertainment is set. I will happily pack while watching Saw 3.

It’s official – I think I hate my dogs


Not all the time, just today. Well, any day that they decide to knock me down by slamming into my knees. And following up by jumping on me in their attempts to get each other. I’m sitting here with throbbing pain bouncing up and down my left side (already my weak side), listening to their tags jingle as they wrestle less than three feet away; oblivious.

At least I got in a little of the morning walk before I ate wet grass, eh?

My knee is wrapped at the moment and hopefully will be good enough tomorrow for walking. Instead of Turbo Jam I’ll dust off Walk Away the Pounds. Today I’ll get in some upper body work and eat well.

I’ve decided to start counting WW points again. I’m not changing how I eat, just making sure I keep my portions in check. And I’m cutting the caffeine down again. I’ve been bad and getting way too much of it lately.

Monday, Monday…..