Instead of a new moon – any of my 80s music fans get it? Dating myself? I thought as much.
So I’ve been back to counting points and doing what I need to do for one month now. I lost 4 pounds before the vegan kickstart and 3 pounds in the first week of the kickstart. 7 pounds in a month! The last time I lost that much, I was working out hardcore without changing my eating plan. Can you imagine how well I’ll do while eating right? That’s all I’ve been doing for the most part, just eating right and getting on 2 days of decent exercise.
This WAHM is happy!
I need to get these headaches in check before I kick up the exercise regimen. I feel like crap when I have one (like today) and cannot function much more than the minimal amount when one is really working me. But that’s another post.
Dinner is ready to roll – leftovers and the family will deal with it, bread is in the machine, and the first gallon of tea is ready. Yes, the family takes out 3/4 to a gallon of iced tea a day in addition to water and coffee. I’m still having just one cup of joe a day.
Is it just me or am I rambling?
Anyway, until next time.