What are you reading?


My name is Sherrie and I have a book problem.  Am I the only one?  I can’t be.

Worthy Evans is a College of Charleston alum and brilliant writer.

Worthy Evans is a College of Charleston alum and brilliant writer.

My problem started years ago and only became worse after a few months of library work followed by bookstore work.  I loved every second of shelving and discovering new titles and topics.  I love it when I get lost in a story or can almost taste the recipe by reading the ingredients.   When I drop by the library I can’t seem to help myself.  I walk in to return the stack I spent a month pouring through and leave with more.

Taking time for myself is a necessity.   Reading for pleasure reduces stress and helps me relax.  Even if the story has me wound up and jumping at the slightest sound, I’m more relaxed than if I’m working all day.  Do you take time to read?  What are you reading now?

Raw or cooked, plant-based comfort food rules!

Raw or cooked, plant-based comfort food rules!

This is perfect reading when I need a laugh.

This is perfect reading when I need a laugh.

I’ll catch you later.   It’s time to curl up with a good book.

Happy 2014!


So, what are your health and fitness goals for the new year?

I’ll keep on keeping on, even more determined to fix what ails me.  I’m not afraid to speak up or seek additional resources if I don’t get the answers I need.  I spent too many years unsure and floundering.  No more!

I’m also done with worrying about how I’m not keeping up with so-and-so. I only need to compete with myself on my fitness journey.  It’s mine.  My progress and results are mine.  It’s liberating!  Try it!  Just do you!

So in 2014, expect more inspiration for people on all fitness levels, more meal plans, recipes, and general musings here.

Bye for now.  Time for a little snuggling with the dogs as they freak a little at the fireworks outside.  :sigh:

Lentil Shepherd’s Pie – vegan, gluten-fee, and cheap

Yeah, it was a win.

I love planned-overs (you know, deliberate leftovers) and prepping ahead for future meals. I’ve learned to cook large batches of beans and freeze some in quart or gallon-sized bags, chop harder veggies and store for snacking and cooking, and generally try too cook extras most nights because of a teen boy and hungry hubby.  Last night I discovered a mash up of leftovers and pre-prepped veggies and decided to go with something different for us – Shepherd’s Pie. The veggie potpie from a few weeks back went over well, so I decided to play with the veggie filling a bit by adding lentils to make a heartier dish. Served with simple mustard greens, dinner was a huge hit.

Lentil Shepherd’s Pie

2 cups cooked lentils
1 cup mashed potatoes
2 celery hearts, diced
3 carrots, diced
1 medium onion, diced
1 cup peas
rosemary, thyme, and garlic to taste
TBS soy sauce (gluten-fee, or Tamari. If gluten isn’t an issue, use regular or low sodium soy sauce.)
1/2 TBS nutritional yeast
1/4 cup water

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Cook lentils and set aside. Saute celery, carrots, and onion in water until soft, then add 1/4 cup water. Stir in herbs, soy sauce, and nutritional yeast; simmer until water reduces. Add lentils and peas, and cook until heated through.

Pour veggies into a prepared 8″ or 9″ square dish (or whatever casserole dish you have handy) and top with mashed potatoes. Bake for 25-30 minutes.

In place of the herbs, soy sauce, nutritional yeast, and 1/4 cup water, use 1/4 cup of your favorite broth or stock.

Have you turned your leftovers into something new?

Semi-Wordless Wednesday: Southen Season is a foodie paradise


Hubby and I finally stopped into Southern Season this past Sunday.  Imagine a cooking school, gourmet grocer, beer and wine shop, coffee shop, kitchenware gift shop, and restaurant under one roof.

So many nut and soy butters, so much time.
Yes, a huge section of just jellies, jams,and preserves.

SC’s own Vegetable Kingdom dressings!

Yes, chocolate pumps!  Several options available.

Retro cookie tins ready for filling.  

We didn’t eat this time, but will check out Southerly from breakfast, lunch, dinner, or bunch sometime.  Gluten-free and vegan options are available at all serving times.

Have you been to Southern Season  yet?

Semi-wordless Wednesday: Puree Organic Cafe Revisited


Once again,. Puree Organic Cafe proves that vegan organic fare is delicious for veggies and omnis alike.  

Ah, date night.  Sometimes Hubs and I can easily agree on where to dine and sometimes we can’t.  When it comes to veggie dining, options on Charleston are growing, but we have our favs and tend to stick with them.  If you haven’t noticed, we like Puree Organic Cafe in Mt. Pleasant, SC.  A lot. It’s on our short list of vegetarian places in town that hubby really likes. We stopped in to try to new dinner menu and were thrilled with the results.  

Instead of his beloved Deep South, Hubby went with the Rainbow Row ($21).  

Old Charleston Spice braised seitan, with sautéed collards, mini corn cakes, and sweet onion jam.
If you want seitan, this is the place to get it.  Seriously.  Go get some.

I opted for the Eggplant Parmesan ($18).  

House-made almond Ricotta and gluten-free pasta made it my first choice. 

Of course we had coffee and desert. Almond, soy, and coconut milk are options. 

Hubby’s Coconut Crème Brulée ($9) was yummy. 

My Mexican Chocolate Cheesecake from Unbaked was fantastic!   

We met Chef and she was as friendly and delightful as well. See why we like it?  It was all even better than it looks.  Clean, gluten-free, organic eats from people who love what they do. Check the conversation on Facebook.  We’re not the only ones who love them.  


Happy Herbivore Light & Lean is coming!


I’ve made no secret of my love for Happy Herbivore Lindsay Nixon.  I found the blog while searching for cleaner and lighter vegan alternatives for the food I love.  Her cookbooks are my go-to when someone asks me for healthy recipes and I’ve picked up her meal plans from time to time.  Her twists on Southern favorites are loved by the omni family, too, and as I’ve mentioned before, pleasing the man and boy is not always easy.

When Lindsay made the announcement about her newest book, I pre-ordered it (In March) and scored!  I receive an excerpt with 14 recipes and a bonus book.

Happy Herbivore Light & Lean includes more of the low fat,whole food vegan recipes I love and workout plans. If you pre-ordered,you’ve seen some of the goodness this book has in store.  The Meatloaf Bites and Carol’s Cabbage Soup are particularly yummy.  If you’re looking for something sweet, her Blueberry Yogurt Muffins are a delight.  Pair one with fruit or hash browns for breakfast, snag one for a snack with coffee or tea, or have it for dessert.  

For the blog tour, I asked Lindsay three questions about her her favorite forms of exercise and her advice for someone new to the clean plant-based way of eating.  

Me:  In your blog you mention snowboarding a lot.  Besides hitting the board, what is your favorite type
of exercise?

LN: I go hiking almost every day when it’s not winter. I also really enjoy yoga year-round.

Me:  That’s great!  I love yoga, too. Finding activities I love helps me look at exercise as fun and not a chore. Now on to making a change in general.  Do you have any advice for someone just making the change from a sedentary lifestyle and SAD to active and whole food plant-based?  Should he/she go all in or take it one step at a time?

LN:  I can’t recommend the meal plans enough!  Or my 3-day reboot or 10-day cleanse immersion 
 program. Every person is different. I find most people have the best success doing
 a 180-approach, just rip off the band aid, as I say. Other people need a more gradual approach. Make every meal you can a healthy plant-based one, and start walking on your lunch break. Start with 5 minutes if you have to, then add on. Then start walking in the morning before work. Little by little!

Me:  I thought I was a 180-degree person, but with the family I’ve found it easier to make gradual changes. Converting their favorite recipes is sometimes a challenge.  Have you converted all of your favorite foods into whole food goodness?  How difficult was it?

LN:  Yes! Some recipes proved more challenging than others but for the most part everything has translated quite beautifully and many times, I like the new healthy version way better.

Appreciate your time, Lindsay – thanks!

While I recover and figure out how to get into a sustainable workout routine, eating clean helps me keep on track.  If you want affordable, easy, clean, quick, and delicious recipes with wide appeal, check out the Happy Herbivore blog and books.  Light & Lean is going to be awesome!  Get a sneak peek on Amazon and keep your eyes open for more from me on the recipes.


What’s shaking? More Vegg, lentils, and other food stuff.


The Summerville, SC area apparently.  Another couple of quakes hit this past week.  Neat, eh?

Other than quakes, it’s the same old except in the kitchen.  I’m playing with The Vegg still and loving it more. The french toast and tofu scramble with cheesy grits were awesome!  And easy!  I didn’t follow recipes from The Veg Cookbook, but used it in my usual recipes.

Tofu scramble and grits with Vegg, nutritional yeast, garlic, a little Earth Balance,
and hot sauce.  Yeah, baby! 

French Toast made with Vegg, homemade raw cashew milk,
cinnamon, and turmeric.  Agave Nectar-topped with fruit on the side.  

Tonight is breakfast for dinner night, a family fav.  Pancakes, grits, scrambles (eggs for them, tofu for me), roasted potatoes, pear compote, and gluten-free cinnamon rolls are on the menu.  And yes, Vegg will play a role in there.

Today (and tomorrow) the plan is to play with lentils.  I’m challenging myself to come up with several ways to use them without making hubby bored.  So far, lentil soup/stew, curry served with greens, lentil loaf, shepherd’s pie, and lentil ‘meatballs’ with marinara come to mind.  I’l let you know how it goes.

For now, I’m out.  I am so stoked that I get to play with food for a living and for fun.  Feeling lucky, that’s me!

Ahh, Vegg. Nummy goodness.


So I received a package The Vegg Cookbook and a package of Vegg.  I wasn’t sure what I could do with it before I started playing with it, but so far, so good.

Hubby and the Boy don’t always care for my vegan goodness when tofu is a main ingredient, but last night they tore into my experiment.  I had Soyrizo on hand I needed to finish up and wanted a grab and go breakfast besides overnight oats or chia pudding,  A breakfast casserole seemed perfect, so I went for it.

Soyriso Vegg Breakfast Casserole

2 TBS Vegg
1/2 cup non-dairy milk (I used homemade raw cashew milk)
1 lb.firm tofu, divided
4 oz. Soyrizo (Trader Joe’s version is gluten-free)
3 small or one large potato, diced
1 medium onion, diced

Preheat oven o 350 degrees.  Blend Vegg and milk, then add 1/2 of the tofu and blend until smooth. Saute potatoes and onion until browned.  Add tofu and cook until heated through.  Add potato mixture to an 8×8 glass dish and pour Vegg mixture over it.  Stir to combine, then bake for 30 minutes.

Inhaled by a tofu-hating teen boy and tofu-tolerating husband.  I call that a win.

So much to share!


Hi, all.

I guess I’ll start with the geek. What? Embracing my geek instead of hiding it relaxes me.  Relaxation is good for the cardiovascular system.  Not to mention the mind and spirit.  I can’t believe Doctor Who is over until November!  And it ended on the weekend after the kids gave me this.

Yes!  Whovian for life!  Tom Baker was my first Doctor.  Who was yours?  I feel the sadness/excitement about Supernatural, too. I love the Winchesters and still mourn Bobby.

On the home front, the dogs and kids are giving me this look a lot lately.

I’m not sure what I’m doing or not doing that warrants the ‘you crazy,’ face.

I’m eating a lot of this for breakfast with fruit and extra walnuts.

Vegan, gluten-free goodness makes me happy.

On the health front,well, things are what they are.  I will be moving slower for longer than anticipated,but as long as I get back to me, I’m happy.  Until then, pain, stiffness, and physical  therapy are mainstays.  And the drugs, oy.  Caffeine is out because the mix of it and my meds are dangerous for me.  No one likes stroke level blood pressure.  And sodium consumption has to come down even more.

But that’s ok. I’m pulling out Eat to Live, my Happy Herbivore cookbook collection, The Get Healthy, Go Vegan CookbookAppetite for Reduction, Crazy, Sexy Diet, and The 21 Day Weight Loss Kickstart books for inspiration. And cooking more from the heart.

Oh, and did I mention that the physician’s assistant said I should go for nutritional and alternative therapies in addition to the traditional ones?  I could have hugged her.

When I work, I stand every 30 minutes so I can stretch a bit. PT schedule is three days a week in addition to work at home.  Yoga, Pilates, Tai Cheng, and walking primarily with light resistance.  And the handy dandy foam roller  is on hand at all times, too. why did I wait so long to get you?

Until next time, do what you need to do to improve your health.  Small steps are better than standing still.

**Disclosure: The book links are affiliate links.  TheTai Cheng link goes to my Team Beachbody shop.