Had to change things up a bit


So I started a yeast and sugar-free way of eating last week and had foggy brain by Wednesday.  By Friday night I was in a rage.  It was not pretty, I felt horrid, and scared my family a bit.  Eating clean in general (no junk or sugar with minimal if any bread) made me feel good and I had few if any symptoms I need to combat.  So back to clean eating I went – a combination of Radiant Health, Inner Wealth, Eat to Live, and clean eating guidelines. Lots of veggies, water, clean veggie protein, and no sugar.  I feel better and am still detoxing. 

Do I feel like I failed or am bailing?  No.  I know what detox feels like, and that was not just detox.  I was either yelling or crying with nothing in between. If I didn’t work from home, I may have been fired.  Yes, it was that bad. I feel like I hurt my family and never want to feel that way again.  I never want to make them feel that way again or tiptoe around me like they did. 

So here I am, even tempered and enjoying meals rather than dreading them. 

Until next time, peace. 

Man it’s been a long Monday!


But I had a Doctor Who marathon on Sci-Fi today to help pass the time while I typed, cleaned, and worked on school projects.

As far as food it wasn’t a bad day. I responded to my craving to sweets with a cinnamon roll and was thoroughly disappointed in it. It wasn’t as good as I’d hoped it would be. I’m glad I didn’t go over in points to have it. I came in at 26 points and 1 activity point – not too shabby, especially since I get 26.

I’ve decided to follow the old point rules that gave me 26 daily points instead of the 27 under the newer rules. I tried going with 27 for a while and made sure I got in that point most days…and went over more often than not. I love those 35 flex points, and used to allow myself to go over 5 points every day just because I could. I didn’t gain anything back while OP (on plan), but I think I could have lost more weight by staying closer to my daily points alone.

This isn’t about how I did before. This is about how I’m doing now and will be in the near future. I need to keep that in mind so I don’t slip into a negative state.

I’m going to hit the sack in a few. Yep, me. I’m going to bed at a decent hour. Bout time, eh?

Here’s to Tuesday!

The next 4 weeks


…will consist of final exams, a huge IT Networking project, new house stuff (cleaning, painting, ripping up carpet & finishing hardwood floors, reglazing bathroom tiles, work, school stuff for the kiddos, snuggling with hubster, being knocked over by dogs (as usual), and following the routine that helped me when I started on a weigh loss journey a few years back. This will be my typical weekday routine:

  • Get hubster off to work
  • 15-20 minute walk with the dogs (well, hobble for me until my knee is back to 100%)
  • 8 Minutes in the Morning
  • Breakfast and supplements (multi+iron, GLA, CoQ10, joint formula, flaxseed oil, magnesium + calcium, something for pain if needed)
  • School & work
  • Family stuff – lunch with the kids, torturing them with my ‘uncoolness,’ dinner with my three favorite people
  • Afternoon or evening walk or yoga; meditation

On weekends I’ll get to skip the am dog walking cause hubster & the kids take over, and I may not have work, but everything else stays the same.

Program and personal goals

  • Start 7/14
  • 6-8 pounds down by 8/10 (218-220 the goal weight)
  • 190 by 12/31

Overall goals

  • 150 pounds
  • 45 minute to 1 hour karate or kickboxing class (or video) at least twice a week

I will look at myself the way hubby sees me.

When this 4 weeks is over, I’ll start a new cycle. I can eat what I want; nothing’s forbidden. I will play with my food as always, but will try new things more often. I’ll weigh in weekly, but will stay away from the tape measure for at least 2 weeks.