Had to change things up a bit


So I started a yeast and sugar-free way of eating last week and had foggy brain by Wednesday.  By Friday night I was in a rage.  It was not pretty, I felt horrid, and scared my family a bit.  Eating clean in general (no junk or sugar with minimal if any bread) made me feel good and I had few if any symptoms I need to combat.  So back to clean eating I went – a combination of Radiant Health, Inner Wealth, Eat to Live, and clean eating guidelines. Lots of veggies, water, clean veggie protein, and no sugar.  I feel better and am still detoxing. 

Do I feel like I failed or am bailing?  No.  I know what detox feels like, and that was not just detox.  I was either yelling or crying with nothing in between. If I didn’t work from home, I may have been fired.  Yes, it was that bad. I feel like I hurt my family and never want to feel that way again.  I never want to make them feel that way again or tiptoe around me like they did. 

So here I am, even tempered and enjoying meals rather than dreading them. 

Until next time, peace. 

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