Thoughts on Father’s Day 2013

Let me start by saying that I am exhausted, in a lot of pain, and wide awake. This one may ramble a bit. Short and rambly – my new style? Nah. Maybe. We’ll see.

Sometimes I really miss my dad. Father’s Day is almost here and it’s one of those times. My brother is celebrating his second and hubby is celebrating his 15th (technically 14th, but R was born two weeks later. I count it). My brother, husband, and kids didn’t get to meet dad, so it’s weird in a way to have them celebrate him.

He’d be beaming at the mention of his grandkids. I know this because he beamed with us. When we didn’t work his last nerve that is. There are many pictures of all all smiling together. Real smiles, not the family portrait smiles. And baby bro looks so much like him that it blows me away.

I envy those who still have their dads. By ‘have’ I mean have a good relationship with him as adults. Believe me, I know you can have someone in your life but no really have them. But that’s a whole other series of posts.

Miss you, dad. I’d like to think that on some level you know how I’m doing. I think about what it would be like if you were sill here. You would like hubby. And the kids. You’d like our house. You’d be blown away by baby bro – his brilliance, sense of humor, and the resemblance. And you’d be totally wrapped around baby girl’s finger. She is something else.

Happy Father’s Day, Dad, Hubby, and Baby Bro. You all rock.

Random chatter

I love my husband! This was a surprise gift. 

‘Ello. I’m still feeling the love after last night’s Supernatural Saturday. Not a Whovian or into Orphan Black?  Give them a watch. Trust me.

What else is happening?  Well, turns out I’m not the only one in my family with back issues. Dad had some and had to wear a hard core back brace on occasion.  Thanks, dad. Cardiovascular issues and spinal issues.  But seriously, I wish you were still her so I could hassle you a little.

The spine is still kinda crumbly, but I’m going to work with instead of against them.  Can’t lift or jump or run right now?  That’s ok, doc.  Low impact cardio? Sweet!  Shaun T, Tai Cheng, Pilates, yoga, walking, and body weight resistance to the rescue!  I won’t overdo it. I’ll star with 2-3 days of more than walking and add more as I get stronger.

Shaun T and low impact don’t seem to go together, right?  But before Insanity, there was Hip Hop Abs and  Rockin’ Body. Besides, I love dancing. I spent many, many nights (weeknights and weekends) dancing and still have random afternoon dance breaks.  And, you know, he is very nice to look at and listen to.  I mean inspirational.  I meat hot.  I mean motivating.  Actually, he’s all of the above.

 Interested in Rockin’ Body or Hip Hop Abs?
‘They’re on sale for $19.95 each right now.  

So, do you want to share random chatter with me?  Food, drink, fitness, dance, other? Give me a shout.

Until next time, peace.

March Challenge – You in?


I’ll hit the big 44 on March 30 and am celebrating the milestone by kicking up the wellness a notch.  Care to join me?  

You don’t have to buy anything.  You just have to commit to 30 days of something better for you health.  Cleaner eating, regular exercise, mediation, less coffee – you decide.  Me, I’ll be eating cleaner (vegetarian, good fats, lots of produce and good protein) and starting Chalean Extreme (strength training for increased strength and fat burning).  These are my goals, my plan for the month (and beyond).  What are yours?

The goal is to push beyond where I am now.  I am my own competition.  Well, and hubby in a way.  We challenge each other to move toward our goals and sort of compete to see if my home workouts or his gym workouts are better.  I know home workouts are better for me, period.  The hermit in me would rather get my sweat on without the potential audience.  The dogs watch, but they get bored and move on.  I’m sure people are focused on their own workouts at the gym, but in my mind, they’re peeking over at the limping big girl, wondering why she’s bothering.

I know.  It’s my messed up way of thinking.  I’m working on it.

But for March, it’ll be a better focus on better eating, lifting heavy four days a week, and at least one cardio workout on a fifth.  For cardio, I’ll mix it it between my favs.  Why Chalean Extreme?  Shorter workouts (which my aching back will appreciate), lots of lifting (which I love), and less cardio (not my favorite thing).  I lift now, but I don’t think I’m lifting enough or following the most effective routine.  So I’m turning to an expert.

So, what do you say  – wanna kick it up with me in March?  Join me here, G+, or on Facebook.  How will you challenge yourself?

Until next time, peace!    

So, who has the Sherrie Voodoo Doll?


Whatever I did to offended or upset you, I’m sorry.  

The funky, instant rash on my hand was genius.  And your timing?  Flawless.  Not only did you make it happen and fade before my doc’s appointment, you brought it back a day and a half later.  Nice.

This ick kicking my butt?  Great move.  I feel like crud and cannot think clearly.  And having the fever kick in today?  Well done.

Now please, I beg you, please cut it out.

I’ll be going back to bed now.

October went fairly well.


Even though it’s the month of Halloween (meaning candy & other tempting goodies), I think I came out of October pretty well.

Straight up, with almond or soymilk, with fruit or
almond butter – this stuff is yummy!

  • I ate clean 80% of the time – which was the plan. 
  • I pushed play at least four days a week – also part of the plan.   
  • I cooked more than I ate out.  But still ate out more than intended.
  • Chocolate Vegan Shakeology daily.  Oh my word is that stuff good!  
  • Less pain all month.  Yay! 
Well, less pain until around midday November 1.  A migraine came on, as expected, but this one is a doozy. I cheated a little, so I’m paying for it in a big way.  I know I should not eat any gluten, but I got lazy/experimental and thought a little wouldn’t hurt.  Meh.  It hurt.  It’s still hurting right now.

And on that note, I need to bring this to a close.  Time for another dose of meds and quiet time.  Peace! 

Food, glorious gluten-free food! Thank you, Patat Spot!


Gluten-free isn’t as difficult as I thought it might be when dining out in Charleston.

Patat Spot is one of my favorite places in town.  It’s not just about the food, but the staff, decor, and falafel.  Okay, the food is one of the main reasons I love it.  I was concerned I’d have to forgo the pita with my falafel or black bean cakes, but I don’t.  GF pitas are available and the black bean cakes and falafel are both GF. It works.  It works very well.

Sorry for the dark pic – my phone’s camera is not the best sometimes.

Last trip was the first time we took the kiddos with us, and they were smitten.  Teen Girl does not always love new experiences, but she was willing to give it a go.   She ordered the Frikendel Especial, a veggie dog served with diced onions and Patat’s fantastic curry catsup.  She thought it was pretty good.  If you’ve met her, ‘pretty good’ is her second most enthusiastic rating.  The top rating of ‘awesome’ only applies to electronics and anime.

Teen Boy snagged the Beef Shawarma and inhaled it before I could get a shot of it.  No joke.  He ate like he was starving (which he could have been because he’s always hungry) and praised the flavor between bites.

Hubs went for the Regular Falafel (two patties in pita with all the toppings you want from the toppings bar) and I had the Salad Spot (two falafel or black bean cakes served on a bed of greens and anything I wanted from the toppings bar).  Of course, we all made our meals combos with drinks and friet.  We all left satisfied (well, closer to happily stuffed) and smiling.  Oh, and the falafel can be grilled or deep fried.  Either way, the meals are healthy and filling.

Now that school’s out we plan to go more often, with or without the kids. Swing by Patat Spot at 41B George Street and enjoy some GF comfort food.  Yes, I consider falafel comfort food.  Sue me.

Until next time, peace.

Semi-wordless Wednesday – all about the food


Nom nom nom

Vegan French Onion Soup from Vegan Nutritionista’s
Cut the Cheese 

Vegan Cheesecake from Cut the Cheese

Same cheesecake topped with strawberries.
‘Twas awesome!

My fav veggie curry from Saffron Cafe and Bakery
 (soon featuring vegan desserts – just ask)

A fab dinner from Sunset Oasis

Black Bean Sliders and Sweet Potato fries from
Sesame Burgers and  Beer

Dinner salad from Runaway Bay 

Are you hungry now?

Showing Love for Everyday Happy Herbivore


I have lots of love for Happy Herbivore.  I can’t remember when or how I first stumbled across Lindsay Nixon’s blog, but I have been drooling over and cooking from it ever since. The omni family has loved most of her goodies, too.  I have a well worn copy of The Happy Herbivore Cookbook and received my copy of Everyday Happy Herbivore a couple of weeks ago.  I’m digging it, too.

When Lindsay put out a call for stops on her blog tour, I jumped at the chance to pick her brain a little.

Me:  You’ve mentioned Charleston in both of your books.  How much did the Lowcountry inspire your cooking?  Were you introduced to many new ingredients or techniques?

Lindsay:  I lived in Charleston, SC for four years to attend the College of Charleston (c/o 2004). My husband is a graduate of The Citadel (Hotel, 2000) and he was also raised in Summerville, South Carolina. 
My experience with Southern food and cooking was none before I moved to Charleston. I’d never had or heard of grits or collard greens or she crab soup… so I was constantly dazzled by all these new ingredients and foods when I lived there. Even after we left, my husband was always after me to make low country staples he grew up with — and when we switched to a vegan diet, he insisted I learn how to recreate all these dishes that were traditions in his family and had been staples in our diets. (That’s how they ended up in my cookbooks!)

I have a soft spot for Low Country cuisine — and cajun, too. They’re magnificent and really understand the concept of sticking to the basics, using hot spices and fresh, local foods to make something amazing. 
Was it difficult it find a variety of vegan eats when dining out? 

In Charleston? No. I was actually pleasantly surprised when we went back to visit last November (2010). I contacted the Charleston Vegetarian Group on Facebook before I went for some restaurant recommendations, but some of our friends wanted to go to other places, and I admit I was worried I’d be limited to salads. Boy was I wrong! Every restaurant we went to had something on the menu that was already vegan (not necessarily identified as such — but no dairy, meat, etc) or something that could be made vegan if we left off cheese. I thought FOR SURE when Scott’s friends made us go to Wild Wings I’d starve and I actually had a really delicious meal there!
In Everyday Happy Herbivore, most of the items can be on the table in 30 minutes or less.  Are there any other quick cooking tips that work for you?

I can’t stress the importance of a well stocked pantry and spice rack — that is the secret to fast cooking.

We’ve all had kitchen failures.  My most recent involved misreading a recipe and adding 1/2 cup of agave nectar instead of 1/s TBS to bread.  What was your most memorable kitchen fail?

I once turned my blender on without the top on. Green smoothie EVERYWHERE. Seitan also blew up once and splattered on the wall and ceiling. That was awesome.
The holidays are upon us and omnivore family members sometimes have low expectations of the vegan’s contribution to the family meal.  Should herbies stick with appetizers, entrees, sides, or desserts?  What knockout recipes do you recommend?  Desserts have won over my family 

Desserts are always a safe bet — but I try NOT to bring a vegetable side or a soup because I want to dispel the notion that we only eat the side dish or vegetables only compliment meat. I like to show off how beans and vegetables ARE the meal and not just a side. BUT it’s important to do whats right for your situation — we all know our family and friends pretty well and that can help us decide what to bring. When in doubt, Cake.

While cake helped bring my family on to the herbie train, burgers and fries keep them coming back time and again.  Lindsay shared one of her burger recipes from EHH.  Not only is it quick and easy, it’s pretty cheap, too.  This would make a great quick lunch or dinner on a crazy night. 

Quick Burgers | makes 4 

I developed these burgers in a hotel room: they’re quick, easy and require very few ingredients. (In fact, except for the beans and a seasoning packet, I sourced all the ingredients from the complimentary “breakfast bar”). I make these burgers any time I need a super fast meal or I’m really low on ingredients.

15-oz can black beans, drained and rinsed
2 tbsp ketchup
1 tbsp yellow mustard
1 tsp onion powder (granulated)
1 tsp garlic powder (granulated)
1/3 c instant oats

Preheat oven to 400F. Grease a cookie sheet or line with parchment paper and set aside. In a mixing bowl, mash black beans with a fork until mostly pureed but still some half beans and bean parts are left. Stir in condiments and spices until well combined. Then mix in oats. Divide into 4 equal portions and shape into thin patties with your hands. Bake for 7 minutes, carefully flip over and bake for another 7 minutes, or until crusty on the outside. Slap into a bun with extra condiments and eat!

Chef’s note: If you only have rolled oats, chop them up in a food processor or blender so they are smaller and more like instant oats. Rolled oats left whole tend to make the burgers fall apart. 

Per Burger: 109 Calories, 0.5g Fat, 17.6g Carbohydrates, 3g Fiber, 2.2g Sugars, 5g Protein

Thanks again, Lindsay for the inspiration, tips, and fantastic food.  Go Cougars!