Having a bad night


I need to just write a while to keep things honest.

It’s been a good weekend so far.  The pre – holiday food shopping is done, hubs had an extra day off, I completed training on a new project, and the weather’s been great.

It’s been a busy day, so I’m not upset about needing a little extra time to wind down.  Then the pain creeped up a little.   I started deep breathing, but needed something more.  I took Advil and Melatonin,  then went to bed.

I laid here a while, started deep breathing again, then realized I needec zometjing stronger than Advil.  I took half a dose of something stronger and went back to bed.

Out of nowhere,  my hands hands began to ache.  I looked down to see the puffy knuckles of arthritis and Fibro.


I’m covered in pain relied cream, full of pain relievers, and still feeling 80% of the pain that forced me to reach for the meds.

Nights like this make me sad.  It’s frustrating how quickly a pain flare can steal my joy.  My mind wanders to thoughts of what the next 10 years could bring.  My spine is already 20 years older than my chonological age.  I’m already having trouble with my grip.  Fear clouds my thoughts and blocks the light.

But I can see the sun.  I refuse to let the clouds steal it from me.  I will have bad times, but there will be good times, too.  I just to ride it out.  After some sleep.

Here’s to better days.


What are you reading?


My name is Sherrie and I have a book problem.  Am I the only one?  I can’t be.

Worthy Evans is a College of Charleston alum and brilliant writer.

Worthy Evans is a College of Charleston alum and brilliant writer.

My problem started years ago and only became worse after a few months of library work followed by bookstore work.  I loved every second of shelving and discovering new titles and topics.  I love it when I get lost in a story or can almost taste the recipe by reading the ingredients.   When I drop by the library I can’t seem to help myself.  I walk in to return the stack I spent a month pouring through and leave with more.

Taking time for myself is a necessity.   Reading for pleasure reduces stress and helps me relax.  Even if the story has me wound up and jumping at the slightest sound, I’m more relaxed than if I’m working all day.  Do you take time to read?  What are you reading now?

Raw or cooked, plant-based comfort food rules!

Raw or cooked, plant-based comfort food rules!

This is perfect reading when I need a laugh.

This is perfect reading when I need a laugh.

I’ll catch you later.   It’s time to curl up with a good book.

Man it’s been a long Monday!


But I had a Doctor Who marathon on Sci-Fi today to help pass the time while I typed, cleaned, and worked on school projects.

As far as food it wasn’t a bad day. I responded to my craving to sweets with a cinnamon roll and was thoroughly disappointed in it. It wasn’t as good as I’d hoped it would be. I’m glad I didn’t go over in points to have it. I came in at 26 points and 1 activity point – not too shabby, especially since I get 26.

I’ve decided to follow the old point rules that gave me 26 daily points instead of the 27 under the newer rules. I tried going with 27 for a while and made sure I got in that point most days…and went over more often than not. I love those 35 flex points, and used to allow myself to go over 5 points every day just because I could. I didn’t gain anything back while OP (on plan), but I think I could have lost more weight by staying closer to my daily points alone.

This isn’t about how I did before. This is about how I’m doing now and will be in the near future. I need to keep that in mind so I don’t slip into a negative state.

I’m going to hit the sack in a few. Yep, me. I’m going to bed at a decent hour. Bout time, eh?

Here’s to Tuesday!