Warning – little sleep, pain meds, and a wandering mind are responsible for the oddly flowing post. It makes sense, but isn’t as pretty to look at as I’d like.
It’s been a while. Too long, really.
I’ve been journaling haphazardly offline and not feeling up to sharing online. Why? Because I’d lost control. Earlier today I lost control for a bit but was able to stop myself.
Strangely enough I’m eating mostly healthy food when I lose control. My tastes have changed I suppose. Sugar is still my number one craving, but until a few days ago I had those cravings under control.
I’m not counting points as much as I’m watching portions. I’m getting whole grains, fruit, and vegetables more than anything else. I am truly digging my morning oatmeal with a little ground flax and maple syrup. Fruit is working really well as a snack. And big ol‘ salads are the norm now. I still get my junk in, but nowhere near as much. Ad I keep my handy dandy mug-o-water nearby and drain it at least twice a day..
The South Beach 100 calorie pack of dark chocolate covered soynuts is divine. Too bad hubby likes them an have finished them off. Grrr. He supposedly hated dark chocolate.
I’ve lost 8 pounds this past 3 weeks. It looks like it might be 8 pounds for the month. No complaints.
As for exercise, I’m having to slow down again. My knees this time. Arthritis at 39 sucks! My right side is beginning to stiffen up, so Sherrie will be more balanced in stiffness. I’m not whining s much as bitching. Not a ‘poor me’ attitude,more of an ‘oh crap.’ I’m still smiling, though. Before this latest flareup I had worked up to 3 miles a day 5 mornings a week. I’ve always had a fairly quick pace, so I’m getting my sweat on early. I was, anyway.
But, no matter how down I get, I remember that there is a healthier Sherrie inside me. She’s not hiding as much as she used to. We should all let our inner goddess out more often.
Tini, thanks for inspiring me to get back on here. Much appreciated my friend!
"But, no matter how down I get, I remember that there is a healthier Sherrie inside me. She’s not hiding as much as she used to. We should all let our inner goddess out more often."<BR/><BR/>I love this!
Blog more!!! 🙂