Human Barometer and yoga


I think that my new nickname should be Human Barometer. It doesn’t matter how good I’m feeling or moving when the changes in barometric pressure are dramatic.

It always starts in my ankles. They feel a little tight, but not tight enough for a support or anything. I’ve I’d been training, I usually chalk it up to that. Then my knees get sore. That makes me check the weather a little more closely. If I see rain in the forecast, I know what is on the way and get out the turmeric and Aleve.

Once my hip and spine stiffen and go from an ache to throbbing pain, it’s on. So much on. Right now I’m typing this in a recliner with my back, neck, and head firmly against the back of the chair, legs raised in a partial recline. It’s the only comfortable position at the moment. My ribs, elbows, wrists, and shoulders are feeling it now, too. Tropical Storm Cindy is not heading my way (be safe, y’all), but I feel it anyway. Rain is coming ad we’ve had some here in Charleston since Sunday night’s thunderstorm.

Weather-related pain flare aside, I will get in some yoga today. It is International Yoga Day after all. I recognize my current limits and have a mix of workouts in my arsenal. I also know that I will always have a dog on my yoga mat if I step away.  16422838_10154381378520679_8437767875822278167_oFlexibility training helps make these bad days easier and make good days better.

Between yoga and walking, I am getting stronger physically. It just doesn’t feel like it on days like this. I’m trying not to fall into the pit that seems to open up whenever a flare is extended. Spoonies, you get me, right?

Happy Wednesday, Happy Solstice, and Happy International Yoga Day! May it be amazing!

I’m addicted to kitchen toys


If you like to cook, then you may share my problem — I’m addicted to kitchen toys.  I love them!  Knives, scales, mandolins, containers, blenders, mixers, Instant Pot – all of them.  I don’t use love to have them around, I use them.  I don’t like spending money on anything I won’t use just because an ad or infomercial caught my eye.

But before I grew to love kitchen toys, I had to pick up the essentials.  You know, the basic kitchen equipment that fit my needs.  Here’s a quick peek at some of my kitchen essentials.  This is not a list of thinks everyone must have, but my personal collection of go-to tools.  If I did not have these, I could not get anything done in the kitchen.


I’m working on my fat/weight loss goals, so the right tools are essential.  I picked up Snapware bowls for the things I cook in bulk for the family and the individual portions I make for myself.  I’ve noticed that when I pack leftovers as full meals, I tend to stick to the cleaner path.  I also use divided containers by Orgalif to refrigerate or freeze perfectly portioned meals.


They help me keep on point on bad pain days.  If I don’t have something ready to roll, I give in to the pb&j (well, Sumbutter and jelly or jam) on whole wheat rut.

Containers and a lunch box that holds them at the right temperature all day are important because Hubs (aka FM) takes lunch to work almost every day.  We picked up a couple of lunchboxes that came complete with container and a shaker bottle this year and tossed all of the older ones that needed to go.  With these, hubs or the kids can take enough food to last most of the day.  lunch bagsThis gray, lunch bags 2black, and red bag from HomEquip came with 2 2-cup containers, 4 1-cup containers, a pill/supplement box, bottle, and ice pack that fit nicely.   It’s a little snug when all of the containers are in place, but he doesn’t usually take more than a sandwich, fruit and veggie sides, a utensil, napkins, and a protein or granola bar for emergency snackage.  The grey with turquoise bag behind this one is Hubs’ preferred bag because he can fit his water bottle inside with his lunch containers.  Both bags work nicely when needed.

You don’t need to buy a lot of containers when you have Mason jars on hand.  Pasta sauce jars, pickle jars, and others with tight lids work nicely as storage for dry goods, in the freezer (just don’t fill it to the rim), and fridge for salads or oats.  I also use jars for dressings and dips that I whip up.  Besides overnight oats with berries, I have some Cashew Cream Cheese from Meal Mentor in jars now.

*By the way, if you have not checked out Meal Mentor yet, you can get a free sample at  Whole food, low fat, high carb goodness.  Most of the dishes I’ve made are omni-approved.*

knivesIn addition to the containers, I need my cutting boards, cast iron skillet and griddle, 5 qt. stainless steel pot, baking pans, and cookie sheets. I need the, so I have a safe place to chop produce (and there is a separate board for the fam to us for non-veggie stuff).  When I get the desire to bake, I pull out the loaf pans, cookie sheets, or square or rectangular pans depending on what mood strikes.  I feel the need for a bean loaf and possibly muffins for next week.

My main tools are my knives.  I have both steel and Ceramic knives.  Until Ozeri sent me this set of three ceramic knives, I had not taken the plunge. I wasn’t convinced I would like them as much as steel.  I use them several times a week.  I’d use them daily, but I don’t cook or prep on a daily basis. The handles feel good in my hands and the light weight make it easier for me to work longer.  Those features alone make my arthritic hands happy.  And they look good.  I kind of dig the black stainless appliances and these knives remind me of that look.

cukesI hope you’ve enjoyed the peek at my kitchen essentials.  I’ll share more about my possibly unhealthy obsession with the InstantPot, air fryer, and J.L Fields’ cookbooks for both another time.

Until next time, peace.

Type 2


Diabetes.  I did not want to hear that diagnosis.  It was already around me (family and friends) and I thought I’d escape it personally.  Nope.

I was first diagnosed in 2015, but I was more pre-Diabetic than Diabetic according to everything I was ordered to review.  Once my script ran out, I did not rush to refill it.  I believed I could handle things on my own with diet and exercise.  I did not plan for extended periods without more exercise due to pain, the depression- and stress-fueled binging, or the frequent ‘eff this’ days that led to fast food dinners.

The ‘yes, you have Type 2,’ was repeated in December 2016.  I’ve been taking my meds, eating decently for the most part until this past March-April, and moving more when I can.  I’m going back in sometime next month for an A1C test re-do and am not sure if I’ll be given the green light to stop meds.  My fasting Glucose has been in the 140+ range for a couple of weeks now.   I’m a little worried.

Yes, plant-based people can develop diseases like Diabetes and Hypertension.  It happens.  No, I will not go Paleo unless it’s completely plant-based.  You heard me.

I have noticed that my Glucose jumps after TexMex restaurant meals, fattier meals. and when I eat at random times in general.  I’ve also noticed that my pain flares are longer and have higher spikes.  Yes, Diabetes can cause that.  And my fat loss is currently at a standstill.  Why?  Pain.  It always goes back to pain.

I don’t mean a general discomfort, Dr. Who-Thinks-I’m-Just-Lazy (yes, a former doc said this to me and she knew about my spinal issues).  I am in pain.  Pain that makes it difficult to even breathe sometimes.   

I am trying to keep it positive, though.  I have a dusted off my copy of Eat to Live and Happy Herbivore cookbooks, have few new cookbooks with oil-free and high nutrient recipes, and follow more blogs that feature the dietary guidelines I need to follow.  I also registered for the 2018 Cooper River Bridge Run and ordered my shirt a size smaller than I wear now.   Training begins now!  Goals!  My PLant-Fusion New Year is still in full-effect.

So, that’s what I’m up to now.  Well, in addition to more appointments to figure out what exactly is ailing me.  You know the drill – blood tests say this, but symptoms point to another thing.

Go with love, y’all.  Always choose love. If you need me, I’ll be over here with a book, game, or napping.  No telling.

Falling down and getting back up


Howdy, y’all.  It’s been a minute since I’ve posted anything here.  I’ve been active on Instagram and Facebook, but not really blogging.

Grief is natural.  We have to get through it however we can.  Laughing, crying, staring off into space – all natural.  Feeling lost is natural.  Feeling like you can’t hold it together is natural.  Grief is universal and individual.  Grief is an asshole.

Watching the people I love in pain has taken the wind out of me somewhat.  Some days I feel like I’m here and others not so much.  I wonder if what I’m doing is enough, but I know there is only so much I can do.

The grief has brought on a few days of mindless eating and tears.  Not just for the ones who left, but for those who left long ago.  I’ve dreamed of my grandmother, mother-in-law, father, and old friends.  Not memory-inspired dreams, but scenes of happy times with all of them in the present.  They have been both sad and comforting, but mostly sad. I hate that they have and will miss so many good things.  Graduations, births, new jobs, new homes, all of it.

It will get easier, I know.  If you’re grieving, you’re not alone.

Kicking off my PlantFusion New Year

I have made no secret of struggle with weight loss.  It becomes a little more difficult when chronic pain forces me to put fitness on the back burner.  The forced time outs mean I need to tighten up when it comes to nutrition.  2017 has started well and I’m down 4 pounds since mid-January.
I’ve fully embraced my current fitness level and am working within my limits. Working at the level I am now and not where I was before required modification — and there is nothing wrong with that.  I’m already feeling stronger and more flexible. I’ve even accepted new challenges to help keep motivated.
I heard about an opportunity to work with a brand I love, applied, and was accepted.
Your friendly neighborhood Sherrie is sponsored by PlantFusion!  I was selected as a #PlantFusionNewYear challenge participant and Monday was day 1.
pf lean
For the next 8 weeks I’ll be stepping up my game and Plant Fusion Lean is part of my meal plan. Each serving of this dairy-free protein supplement includes 21 grams of plant protein, 8 grams of prebiotic dietary fiber, superfoods, Lactospore probiotic, and EcoLean. EcoLean is clinically proven to curb hunger better than whey.  It blends perfectly with water or plant milk, is delicious in recipes, and is delicious.
My meals will still be whole food plant-based, but each day will include more protein and much healthier treats. Chocolate Chip Protein Cookie Dough?  Chocolate Brownie Protein Pudding?  Yes, please!
If you haven’t tried PlantFusion PlantFusion Lean, Phood, or PlantFusion Organic Plant Protein, you can pick up sample packs directly from PlantFusion for $10.
If you follow me on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook,  you’ll get to see my daily progress.  I won’t fill your feed with just healthy things, though.  There will be puppy goodness in the mix.



Green smoothie with PlantFusion Lean Chocolate Brownie, kale, half a medium banana, coconut milk, and  water




Enter PlantFusion Lean is available in Vanilla Bean and Chocolate Brownie flavors


Homemade coconut milk.  Coconut flakes and water blended in my Ninja.


Join me for a healthier 8 weeks. Set a goal and go from there. You could clean up your eating a bit, step up your fitness plan, or just plan to drink more water.   Let me know if you’re in and I’ll cheer you on.
Until next time, love and peace.

The next 90 days


Howdy, y’all.  Your friendly neighborhood Sherrie has goals.

train shirt

Not resolutions, goals. And not just goals, but goals with solid planning behind them.  It’s easy to say “I’m going to do this in this amount of time, but without a plan, it may not happen.

I’m keeping it simple and straightforward, with nothing crazy added to the mix.  I’ve been eating off plan and struggling with eating my feelings lately (well, on and off since the election), so getting back on track and putting my goals front and center will help me focus.

Without further ado, here are my goals for the next 90 days:

  • Flexibility work daily – at least a good 5-minute stretch
    • I feel so much better when I stretch and have let that habit slide.  No more.  Get up and stretch, people!
  • Start walking regularly again, at least 3 days a week
    • The Shrimp & Grits 5K is tomorrow and I’m definitely in.  Packet pick-up is tonight and I am so excited.  And a little concerned because there is a pain flare in effect.
  • Lose 10-15 pounds
    • This is a doable goal for three months.  It breaks down to 1.25 pounds a week maximum, which is a healthy rate.  Meds and high pain days make it difficult, but sticking to my food plan will make the difference here.
  • Love myself no matter what
    • This is the big one.  There are days that I feel trapped in this body and I let fears of my potential state in my golden years take over. I love myself, but those days leave me a teary, self-destructive mess.  I eat things I don’t handle well (like peanut butter) and overeat in an attempt to ease the pain.  Neither help.

So, there are my goals. I’ll share often on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.  You could join me, cheer me on, stare and shake your heads, or whatever.  I will get mine and I hope you get yours, too.  Feel free ask me anything about my journey and tell me what you want to see or not see.

And now it’s time for a cup of tea and a little reading.  It may or may not involve a cookbook or two.

issa and terry


How are you?



The post-election night feels are real and all over the place.  Trump supporters may not understand why people are upset.  They may not see the fears as legitimate.  If Trump goes forward with all of his promises made during his campaign, people are facing loss of insurance, invalidated marriages, families torn apart by deportation, and the increase of bills that come with all these things.

Please be kind and think of how it would feel for you if you were one of the groups affected.  Also remember that his hateful remarks earned respect and admiration from hate groups.   That is terrifying in itself.

Still swimming


It’s been a  while since I’ve posted here, but I’m still around.  I’m on Facebook and Instagram everyday, learning from and sharing with the plant-based and spoonie folks.

I will share more here about events and services in town and elsewhere that may help you along your healing path.  I’ll also share more about my meal plan (Hello, Meal Mentor) and share some quick cooking tricks for the low spoon days.

If there’s anything else you’d like to see, give me a shout.  Or a whisper. I’m listening.

Chronic pain killed Prince?


I loved Prince.  I loved him since 1979 when “I Wanna Be Your Lover” hit the airwaves.  I loved how he was different.  He cared not for haters and did his own thing.  He inspired me.

I read an article a few minutes ago that made his death even sadder.  Lorraine Berry’s Raw Story post states the Prince died from chronic pain.   There is speculation that he has a cocaine habit.  He could have tried self-medicating, something I’ve done from time to time. I don’t know what happened with him, and will not speculate any further on what happened to him . I do know what chronic pain does to me.

Some days it’s like I can feel the life draining out of me. When meds stop working, I get desperate to find anything that helps.  Sleeping all the time does not work because I have things to do and people to care for.  Self-medication becomes a necessity at times, and that is not how things should be. I’m  not just looking to score drugs. I want relief; to feel close to the old normal again.

And now this post is coming to an end.  You know,  because things to do and people to care for.  Taking a few deep breaths, pasting on a less grouchy face, and going for it.