May 12 is Fibromyalgia Awareness Day. Send good thoughts to someone who deals with this. If you don;t have it, imagine a daily migraine, but all over your body. Or a horrible case of the flu. Some days are better than others. Some of us can work, others can’t. The pain and fatigue can be debilitating. And don’t get me started on the brain fog.
What’s your Fibro story? My personal Fibro story began years before my diagnosis, You’ve heard it before, so I won’t repeat it. I’m sure you’re tired of hearing it by now. Pain is my constant companion and I am incredibly thankful for a family who gets it for the most part. The kids (adults now) know when I need the sleep and don’t necessarily see it as me taking a lazy day. Hubs has taken over 95% of laundry duties because the bending and reaching tend to lead to pain spikes.
After my official diagnosis in 2016, I went into research mode; searching on and offline for resources that would help. The National Fibromyalgia Association has been a weekly stop. The resources have been invaluable to me. If you know someone with Fibro and don’t know much about it, this is a great place to start.
To my fellow spoonies, let’s raise our glasses to the doctors and researchers who get it and are looking for ways to make our lives better. Cheers!