No, this is not another ‘no longer vegan,’ posts. It’s just a commentary on trying work around meds and supplements that aren’t exactly veg-friendly.
It’s a struggle, y’all. Not sticking to my way of eating, but trying to find vegan supplements and meds. I’ve found many that work, but not all are veg-friendly. Does it make me less compassionate? No. It means I’m one of the many dealing with this.
If you choose to judge me based on this mindset, so be it. Step into body on a high pain day(well, week) and talk to me afterward. I’m doing what needs to be done while I find the optimal balance.
Does it mean veg-friendly instead of certified vegan supplements? If the veg-friendly products work best, yes. Does it mean dealing with meds that have no vegan alternative? Yes, unfortunately. Does it make me sad? Yes.
I need to keep it together while on the journey. On days like today, that means healing by any means necessary.