Stupid stormy weather and increased pain seem to be buddies lately. When a thunderstorm is about to hit, whether reported beforehand or not, I feel it. A deep throbbing in my bones. Add that to the regular aches and pains of my semi-broken self and you have a whimpering mess.
Well, not much whimpering comes from me. The dogs, Big V in particular, whine and whimper when I’m not running about with them. The nightmares about my legs crumbling as I walk do not help motivate me to move more than I have to. Creepy dream, eh? More than once now and it’s freaking me out.
Anyway, I wonder if I am feeling more due to the weather. If cold can affect people, then surely storms can, too.
So can stepping in a hole and twisting an already aching ankle, but that’s another post.
Man I’m rambling today. I blame the hurricane.
Be safe, friends.