June already? What’s your plan?


Can you believe 2014 is already six months old?  June is already 11 days old?  Where did the time go?  Are you on track?  Anywhere close to where you wanted to be?  I’ll admit it,  I’m not.   And I won’t let it throw me much.  I’ll tweak my plans and go month to month.

My plan was in part inspired by a dream.  I’ve been back and forth to the doc and specialists (yes, plural) trying to finally figure out what all ails me.   It’s exhausting and frustrating and frightening if I K et my mind wander too much.  More so if I consult Dr. Google instead of waiting to for a specific diagnosis.   According to Google,  cold symptoms could be anything from a cold to a rare syndrome that would put someone just outside death’s door.  No one needs that kind of stress or fear without knowing what’s going on inside them.

So, back to this dream.  Of course I dreamed about a doctor visit.  I mean, it’s been at least 33% of my focus for a while now.  So, I’m waiting for the doc to walk in, and it’s Kris Carr!   You know, the woman behind Crazy, Sexy Cancer.  Her.

I was so in awe and blown away.  I think seeing her was a sign.  Not that a cancer diagnosis is looming, but that I’m doing the right thing by following up with the docs and working on healing.  Another round of physical therapy starts next today   My diet is cleaning up and even more greens are coming in.  My healthier cookbooks are my main kitchen inspiration and I’m eating to live.

There they are, two of my inspirations!

There they are, two of my inspirations!

One of my go-to's for healthy vegan eats.

One of my go-to’s for healthy vegan eats. Lindsay Nixon photo.

A fav dish from Crazy Sexy Kitchen.  Sherrie Thompson photo.

A fav dish from Crazy Sexy Kitchen.  This and the tahini dressing that is.

I'll hit the library more often than the bookstore for new inspiration.

I’ll hit the library more often than the bookstore for new inspiration.

I don’t want to just survive anymore.  I want to thrive, glow, and kick ass.

So, what’s happening with you?  Have any good dreams lately?

Happy Herbivore Light & Lean is coming!


I’ve made no secret of my love for Happy Herbivore Lindsay Nixon.  I found the blog while searching for cleaner and lighter vegan alternatives for the food I love.  Her cookbooks are my go-to when someone asks me for healthy recipes and I’ve picked up her meal plans from time to time.  Her twists on Southern favorites are loved by the omni family, too, and as I’ve mentioned before, pleasing the man and boy is not always easy.

When Lindsay made the announcement about her newest book, I pre-ordered it (In March) and scored!  I receive an excerpt with 14 recipes and a bonus book.

Happy Herbivore Light & Lean includes more of the low fat,whole food vegan recipes I love and workout plans. If you pre-ordered,you’ve seen some of the goodness this book has in store.  The Meatloaf Bites and Carol’s Cabbage Soup are particularly yummy.  If you’re looking for something sweet, her Blueberry Yogurt Muffins are a delight.  Pair one with fruit or hash browns for breakfast, snag one for a snack with coffee or tea, or have it for dessert.  

For the blog tour, I asked Lindsay three questions about her her favorite forms of exercise and her advice for someone new to the clean plant-based way of eating.  

Me:  In your blog you mention snowboarding a lot.  Besides hitting the board, what is your favorite type
of exercise?

LN: I go hiking almost every day when it’s not winter. I also really enjoy yoga year-round.

Me:  That’s great!  I love yoga, too. Finding activities I love helps me look at exercise as fun and not a chore. Now on to making a change in general.  Do you have any advice for someone just making the change from a sedentary lifestyle and SAD to active and whole food plant-based?  Should he/she go all in or take it one step at a time?

LN:  I can’t recommend the meal plans enough!  Or my 3-day reboot or 10-day cleanse immersion 
 program. Every person is different. I find most people have the best success doing
 a 180-approach, just rip off the band aid, as I say. Other people need a more gradual approach. Make every meal you can a healthy plant-based one, and start walking on your lunch break. Start with 5 minutes if you have to, then add on. Then start walking in the morning before work. Little by little!

Me:  I thought I was a 180-degree person, but with the family I’ve found it easier to make gradual changes. Converting their favorite recipes is sometimes a challenge.  Have you converted all of your favorite foods into whole food goodness?  How difficult was it?

LN:  Yes! Some recipes proved more challenging than others but for the most part everything has translated quite beautifully and many times, I like the new healthy version way better.

Appreciate your time, Lindsay – thanks!

While I recover and figure out how to get into a sustainable workout routine, eating clean helps me keep on track.  If you want affordable, easy, clean, quick, and delicious recipes with wide appeal, check out the Happy Herbivore blog and books.  Light & Lean is going to be awesome!  Get a sneak peek on Amazon and keep your eyes open for more from me on the recipes.


March Challenge – You in?


I’ll hit the big 44 on March 30 and am celebrating the milestone by kicking up the wellness a notch.  Care to join me?  

You don’t have to buy anything.  You just have to commit to 30 days of something better for you health.  Cleaner eating, regular exercise, mediation, less coffee – you decide.  Me, I’ll be eating cleaner (vegetarian, good fats, lots of produce and good protein) and starting Chalean Extreme (strength training for increased strength and fat burning).  These are my goals, my plan for the month (and beyond).  What are yours?

The goal is to push beyond where I am now.  I am my own competition.  Well, and hubby in a way.  We challenge each other to move toward our goals and sort of compete to see if my home workouts or his gym workouts are better.  I know home workouts are better for me, period.  The hermit in me would rather get my sweat on without the potential audience.  The dogs watch, but they get bored and move on.  I’m sure people are focused on their own workouts at the gym, but in my mind, they’re peeking over at the limping big girl, wondering why she’s bothering.

I know.  It’s my messed up way of thinking.  I’m working on it.

But for March, it’ll be a better focus on better eating, lifting heavy four days a week, and at least one cardio workout on a fifth.  For cardio, I’ll mix it it between my favs.  Why Chalean Extreme?  Shorter workouts (which my aching back will appreciate), lots of lifting (which I love), and less cardio (not my favorite thing).  I lift now, but I don’t think I’m lifting enough or following the most effective routine.  So I’m turning to an expert.

So, what do you say  – wanna kick it up with me in March?  Join me here, G+, or on Facebook.  How will you challenge yourself?

Until next time, peace!    

Progress, baby!


My progress may not me the same as yours, and that’s okay.  Progress is the goal.  Consistency is key.

I am sore and hate every second of it, but am walking on air!  Another three pounds, gone!  Another few inches, gone!  While my official measurement day is a week away, I decided to take a peek.  After this past few days of pain, I needed something to make me feel like the work is paying off.  It’s paying, baby! 

Clean eating + working as hard as I can = progress.  My progress may not me the same as yours, and that’s okay.  Progress is the goal.  Consistency is key.   It took me a long, long time to learn that.  It finally clicked and things are moving in the right direction.

I will get through this.  I will continue to work within safe parameters while working hard.  I will continue to get stronger.  I will continue down this path.

Here’s to finding the path that is yours.  And finding success on it.

Until next time, peace.  

Party, party!

Oz is my boy!  He’s getting older but is still a puppy.  

So I set a first set of goals. – and beat some!  I’ve hit or surpassed my goals for my hips, waist, arms, and body fat!  Yes!  I’m getting closer on weight, thighs, and blood pressure! Yeah, baby!  

I need to set some more, but first, celebration!  With time outside on this gorgeous day.  With my fav walking buddy.

Peace, all.  

Early Morning Exercise Person? Not me.

Exercise, yes  Early morning?  Not so much.
Dream Designs photo.

Yeah, I am not a 5:30-6 am exercise person.  Maybe by 6:30 I’ll be awake enough not to trip over my own feet.  Maybe.

We don’t all have to get moving this early.  I know how I am, and a morning person I am not.  Trying to
force it makes me resentful and ready to quit.  I won’t focus on what I’m doing, but on how much I hate being up and active other than the usual morning thing.

But that’s okay. Knowing that this isn’t my style is okay.  Trying to force it when I have the option of flexibility is not okay.  Making this time my time to reflect and awaken is good.  Having breakfast (Shakeology with almond & coconut butter, ice, and unsweetened almond milk – noms!) and checking my calendar this morning is more my style. I like to ease into my mornings is I can.  The alternative does not bode well.  For me or anyone in my path.

So why am I up this early?  Hubs is starting a new routine and that means I’m starting one, too. I don’t have to like it, but I am supporting him.  So I’m awake for now.  And working a little.  Kinda.  Checking the calendar and completing a little research isn’t going to kill me.  I don’t think it will, anyway.  Ask me again in a few hours.

Oy, I digress.  How did a discussion on morning exercise turn into something about work?  Oh yeah, I’m not completely awake.  Wow.

Anyway, exercise is important to me.  Whether it’s a walk, strength training, yoga, pt, or sweat time with my fav videos, I need it.  Finding the optimal time for me to exercise mindfully is important.  And the early hour wake-up calls are not optimal for me.  I’m a late morning type.  It’s when I’m more functional, so it’s when I need to move.  The mid-morning or early afternoon coffee break is my sweat time.  I fel better that
way and move better that way.  And don’t want to strangle anyone that way.

So here I am, coming out.  I am not a morning person and that’s okay.

Your turn.  When do you schedule your time to move?  There are not wrong answers; just different ones.

I’m working toward a stronger, healthier me. Join me?


You all know that I’m semi-broken and in pain 95% of the time.  What you might not know is I’m not going to let that stop me from reaching my goals.  It might take a little longer than others on the same path, but it’s not a race.  I’ll get there when I get there; without making things worse for myself like I have in the past.

Yoga and Pilates are good for my flexibility, building some strength, and helping me handle pain better.  But I need more.  I need to get in more exercise (a mix of fun cardio and strength training) and to eat better.  I’m learning as I go along.  The veggie path isn’t enough on its own; it has to have more veggies and less veggie junk food.  More water and less veggie junk food.  Notice I said ‘less’ and not ‘no,’ lol. Balanced meals that give me everything I need are on the menu, whether at home or out.   

From now through July 31, there is a killer deal on Beachbody.com – challenge yourself for 30 days for just the cost of shipping.   You can try P90X, Brazil Butt Lift, or Turbo Fire, a month of Shakeology in your choice of flavor, and a 30 day membership in Team Beachbody’s Club for $14.95.  If you decide you don’t like them or want to go a different route, just cancel and return the DVDs.  But if you like how you feel and what you see, stick with it.  Then you’ll be charged the full price for the challenge pack.  Interested?  Visit http://beachbodycoach.com/WAHMinSCor email me. 

I’m not alone in this and neither are you. Slow, steady, consistent progress is what I’m going for.  What about you?

Feel free to ask anything about my routine (a mix), my menu (gluten-free veggie), my mood, and/or progress.  I’m all in and not scared of questions.