I’ve been quiet, but busy


We’re house hunting. Well, we’ve put in a bid that was accepted and are now in the appraisal and inspections stage. Everything else is in line, so much so that we could close within 2 weeks of the appraisal. It’s terrifying and incredibly exciting at the same time. I’ll give a heads up if I have to disappear for a day or two to move.

On the food front, I’m doing better. I’m getting 6-8 servings of fruit and veggies a day and 100 oz. or more of water daily. I’ve also gotten a new pedometer and have been walking myself stupid. We even made a family day an active one – we took a tour of Ft. Sumter and walked on the beach afterward. Saturday I helped my brother and sister in law with their yard sale and got in some heavy lifting. I also got a reminder to get enough water on a hot day. I felt quite ill by the time the sale ended and it took many ounces of water, a cool shower, and a night’s sleep to feel better.

It’ s almost July, so I’ll have new stats to share on the first. So far it looks like June was a good month for me. But July will be even better!

BTW, June 30 is Please Take My Children to Work Day, a plea for a day off for SAHMs. It’s a great idea, and MommaSaid.net is the brainchild. So, give a SAHM, WAHM, SAHD, or WAHD the day off. A few hours off would be nice, too. It would be appreciated!

Monday wasn’t bad; bleah Tuesday so far


Well, Monday did start with some sad news. RIP George Carlin.

After a little bummed time, I got to work on my assignment. I’m feeling better (woohoo detox), but for some reason am not in the mood to eat well. It’s not like there’s nothing in here. I mean I cooked on Sunday – collards, brown rice, vegan sausage (Julie Hasson’s recipe), lots of salad fixins, okra and tomatoes, biscuits, and pancakes (plain for the kids, blueberry corn for me, and hubster will grab whichever he’s in the mood for). I made sure the fridge and freezer are stocked with yummy goodness – fruit, veggies, vegan chicken strips, veggie chick’n nuggets, various lean protein options for the omni family. Yesterday I just wasn’t feeling up to eating well, which is not normal for me anymore.

What has been normal for me is the need to jump from plan to plan when I’m not making the progress I want. I’ll stop eating my 5 + daily veggie & fruit servings, forget to exercise or take down the intensity level, pack in the starchy stuff, and throw in sweets while wondering why the scale has stopped moving. Instead of refocusing, I change my eating plan. From low carb to counting points to nearly vegan – all for the sake of dropping pounds quickly. I’ve learned that I need to eat a healthier, balanced diet, keep fat within reasonable amounts, and to not see anything as forbidden. When I make a list of naughty foods, I want them more.

With that said, I thought I’d mention Team Beach Body. I heard about the virtual fitness club an decided to join. After a month a joined the club and followed the eating plan. I started with a 1600 calories ‘low carb‘ plan, but it’s not an Atkins-style plan. It’s a balanced Zone or South Beach phase 3 plan and easy to follow. It’s how I generally eat, but with less fat, regularly-sized portions, and, lower fat. I retook the test today and it suggested that plan again. I’m not sure how closely I’ll follow the actual foods listed, but I will keep the fat, car, and protein content close. If anyone here is a member, feel free to invite me to a workout or two and add me to your list. You can get a better idea of what I’ve been doing so far by checking out my profile.

Huh. Tuesday is now looking up – we put in a bid on a house today and the seller is very excited about it.