

**This is a crosspost from my SparkPeople blog.**

Happy 2013!  What are your plans on this first weekend?  Changes are on tap for me and mine.

My workout plans included Les Mills Combat, but my body has other ideas.  I wasn’t going all Combat for every workout, but once or twice a week with Tai Cheng, 10 Minute Trainer, and yoga in the mix.  But my back, shoulder, and hip have decided that that’s not going to happen.  I have to pull back and go gentle.  So Tai Cheng with walking and occasional strength training is the new plan.  I’ll still hit the gym with hubs on occasion, but the bulk of my plan is on the gentler tip.

My food plans included a low gluten veggie menu, but my tummy said nu-uh.  I cannot have some things without major tummy distress.  So the fab cake I made, although nummy chocolate vegan goodness, is off the table for me because I used wheat flour.  I also need to watch the starchy stuff for the same reason, so it’s a lower carb veggie menu for me.  I’m still on the PCRM Vegan Kickstart, but doing my own menus.  100 net grams of carbs seems to be my max, so I’m sticking with that.   That is high as far as most low carb people are concerned, but it’s my top average overall.

No bad changes, just necessary ones considering my body and what works best for me.   And that’s what it’s all about right?  Doing what’s best.

What are you up to?

Until next time, peace.

Goodbye, 2012


It was a good year. 

I’m still here and doing well.  I’m slowly getting to the place I want to be. Not long ago I’d be frustrated with the speed of progress, but I’ve finally learned that I cannot force it or I’ll end up further behind.  I wish I’d realized it before, but I know now.  Dwelling kicks my butt as much as sitting still does.

Here’s some of what I learned this past year:

  • I discovered two sources of pain that I can control.  That made a world of difference in how I feel.  
  •  My dogs must be up my butt, every second of every day that they’re awake.  Well, just Victor.  Poor thing is a mess lately.  If his routine is off, he’s a neurotic 80+ pound lap dog.
  • I love these people more every day.  
  • Gray hair knows no bounds.
  • I’m more patient than I realized.
  • My tolerance for bull ish is much lower.  Yes, I realize these last two may clash, but it is what it is.  

I’m not making resolutions, but setting goals.  Three simple ones:

  1. Make the new year healthier than the year before.
  2. Embrace love and light.
  3. Release the negativity. 

Not so bad, right?   Do you make resolutions or set goals for the new year?  Wanna share?

So here’s to 2013.  May yours be filled with love, laughter, and light. 


More on my former doc


I have not made me feelings for my former doc private.  She was so horrible to me that I feared going to another doc even when my blood pressure spiked to near-stroke levels.  A few days ago we had to review health insurance info and physician’s info was required for our file.  We included her info only because we haven’t found a new primary physician yet.  While Googling her address and phone number, I found a review site and could not believe what I saw.  Several people reported similar treatment and she seems to have gotten worse.

Does that change my opinion?  No.  She is supposed to help patients, not ignore, abuse, or ridicule them.  She may have gone off the deep end, but that is no excuse for her behavior.  I do wonder if I could have saved some people from her lack of care if I had reviewed her.   But I know I was (and may be still) too hurt and angry to make my point without seeming like I am bitter.   I’m not bitter.  I’m sad and angry.  I avoided help when I really needed it due to fear of being put down and accused of being crazy, lazy, or just looking for pain meds.

Yep, still too angry to review her.


Yes, I still hurt.


I’m trying to get through as best I can, walking more slowly than usual and taking more frequent breaks for stretching when working.  Sitting isn’t as nice when getting up makes you want to scream.

It amazes me, though, just how far I’ve come.  When this level of pain hit before, I’d curl into the fetal position for days.  Now I can move as I need to.  It’s still hurts like crazy, but I’m mobile.  Meditation has made a huge difference.  My patience level is not where it should be, but it’s getting there.  I just need to remember to stop and breathe when the pain-fueled crankies kick in.  

Happier posts are coming.  I just wanted to dip my toes back into the blogging pool.

I admit it. I am chronic pain’s bitch.


And oh man am I getting my ass kicked right now.  In addition to my usual pain, my clumsy side decided I needed more pain.  I stepped on a dog bone, slipped on my naked floors, and hit hard.  And bounced.  I haven’t bounced before because I can usually catch myself.  My head bounced and I could swear I heard a crack.  No fear, the head and floor are intact.

You know it’s bad when the dogs go silent.  I got up, crawled to the couch, climbed up, and laid there for a couple of hours.

You know how moms try to do everything while trying to keep her issues to herself?  That’s me to a point.  I got up, made dinner, and kept fairly quiet about how much it hurt.  I felt a little better on Saturday and ran errands on Sunday.  That was unwise.  My pain went from 7 to 11 on the 1-10 scale and all I want to to is sleep.  Crying takes too much energy.

I hate being a downer.  Hate it!  I hate being stuck.  I know what happens when I push too hard instead of listening to my body, but I did it anyway.  I do it anyway.  And I end up here yet again; in pain, hating every second of it.

Whine over.

Still sore – Could I be Sherrie the human barometer?


Stupid stormy weather and increased pain seem to be buddies lately.  When a thunderstorm is about to hit, whether reported beforehand or not, I feel it.  A deep throbbing in my bones.  Add that to the regular aches and pains of my semi-broken self and you have a whimpering mess.

Well, not much whimpering comes from me.  The dogs, Big V in particular, whine and whimper when I’m not running about with them.  The nightmares about my legs crumbling as I walk do not help motivate me to move more than I have to.  Creepy dream, eh?  More than once now and it’s freaking me out.

Anyway, I wonder if I am feeling more due to the weather.  If cold can affect people, then surely storms can, too.

So can stepping in a hole and twisting an already aching ankle, but that’s another post.

Man I’m rambling today.  I blame the hurricane.

Be safe, friends.



I get them and they suck the life out of me.  I’m working on day three and it’s the worst day so far.  I am so not loving myself right now.

The headaches started when I was 12-13, but back then adolescent migraines were not diagnosed.  The ped called them stress headaches and recommended a visit to the orthodontist to see if my bite may be responsible.  Yeah, didn’t help.

Twice a month, every month, my skull tries to hold my throbbing brain in check while I have trouble seeing, thinking, tasting, moving, hearing, and sitting still. I want to sleep for a week when they come on, but that’s not possible.  

I take meds, but they are sometimes worse than the headaches.  Feverfew and valerian help more and don’t leave me feeling hungover.

Anyway, just wanted to let you know where I’ve been and why I’ve been quiet.  I’m going to go hide in bed with an icy sleep mask now.