Ahh, Vegg. Nummy goodness.


So I received a package The Vegg Cookbook and a package of Vegg.  I wasn’t sure what I could do with it before I started playing with it, but so far, so good.

Hubby and the Boy don’t always care for my vegan goodness when tofu is a main ingredient, but last night they tore into my experiment.  I had Soyrizo on hand I needed to finish up and wanted a grab and go breakfast besides overnight oats or chia pudding,  A breakfast casserole seemed perfect, so I went for it.

Soyriso Vegg Breakfast Casserole

2 TBS Vegg
1/2 cup non-dairy milk (I used homemade raw cashew milk)
1 lb.firm tofu, divided
4 oz. Soyrizo (Trader Joe’s version is gluten-free)
3 small or one large potato, diced
1 medium onion, diced

Preheat oven o 350 degrees.  Blend Vegg and milk, then add 1/2 of the tofu and blend until smooth. Saute potatoes and onion until browned.  Add tofu and cook until heated through.  Add potato mixture to an 8×8 glass dish and pour Vegg mixture over it.  Stir to combine, then bake for 30 minutes.

Inhaled by a tofu-hating teen boy and tofu-tolerating husband.  I call that a win.

2 thoughts on “Ahh, Vegg. Nummy goodness.

  1. Hi there! Thanks for your link :)<br />Let me know if it&#39;s ok to include you in my Links section and visit and comment often!<br /><br />This is a clever dish with the Vegg! Nice!<br /><br />Great place you have here, too!

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